Chapter 4: Hold Us In

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As the first rays of dawn seeped through the shattered windows of Jaidyn's trashed house, I awoke to the grim reality of our situation. The debris-littered living room reminded me of the horrors we had faced the previous day.

Tears welled up in Jaidyn's eyes as we climbed the stairs to his parents' bedroom. The sight of their lifeless bodies hit him like a sledgehammer. I tried to offer what comfort I could, placing a hand on Jaidyn's shoulder.

"Look at me, Jaidyn," I said gently. "We'll get through this. I'm here for you."

He managed a weak smile through his tears and nodded.

After a brief moment of mourning, we retreated to Jaidyn's cluttered bedroom, finding solace in each other's company. Laughter, albeit strained, filled the room for a moment as we reminisced about better times.

But soon, reality set in again, and Jaidyn's curiosity got the better of him. He wanted to understand what had caused this nightmare.

"What do you think happened, Sawyer?" he asked.

I pondered the question for a moment, considering the fragments of information we had gathered.

"I don't know for sure," I admitted, "but it might be something like a virus. People get sick, develop a high fever, and if they don't get medical help in time, they...well, they don't die. They come back."

Jaidyn nodded, his face etched with the pain of recent memories. "My parents...they were acting so strange, like they were...empty. I had to...I had to do it, Sawyer. I had to protect myself."

I understood the anguish in Jaidyn's voice. "You did what you had to do, Jaidyn. It's survival out here."

As we lay there, deep in thought, I contemplated our next steps. I was determined to keep Jaidyn safe and find answers about what had happened to the world.

The next morning, I awoke to the harsh sunlight streaming into the room. Reality washed over me as I remembered the dire circumstances we were in.

"This sucks," I muttered to myself.

My eyes darted around the room, searching for Jaidyn, but my friend was nowhere to be seen.

"Jaidyn?!" my voice echoed through the house as I called out.

I continued to yell for Jaidyn, growing increasingly worried. Had something happened to him?

"I have to find Jaidyn before we move on," I resolved.

Grabbing my backpack and Bowie knife, I ventured downstairs. The sight of Jaidyn's parents' bedroom startled me. The bodies were gone, and there were traces of blood on the floor.

Panic welled up inside me. "Jaidyn, where are you?!" I yelled, my voice echoing through the empty house.

Following the trail of blood, I found myself in the backyard. There stood Jaidyn, attempting to bury his parents.

"Jaidyn, I thought you were...gone!" I exclaimed, relief washing over me.

Jaidyn's eyes welled with tears, and he apologized for making me worry. We decided to bury the bodies properly, giving them the respect they deserved.

"I'm sorry, Mum," Jaidyn whispered as we laid his mother to rest.

Once the solemn task was complete, I posed a question to Jaidyn.

"Do you want to give a speech?"

Jaidyn nodded and, with a heavy heart, spoke words of farewell to his parents. It was a heartbreaking moment that brought tears to both our eyes.

As the sun reached its zenith in the sky, we took a short nap, our exhaustion momentarily overtaking our grief. When we awoke, our determination to find safety and answers had been rekindled.

I was the first to rise. "Where are we going?" Jaidyn inquired.

"Somewhere safe," I replied. "But first, we need supplies. Grab the largest backpack you can find and gather all the food and weapons you can from the cupboards."

Jaidyn followed my instructions, hastily collecting canned goods and weapons. I contemplated our next destination as I searched the garage for tools.

"The police station," I thought aloud. "That's where we're headed."

Jaidyn's face bore a mixture of curiosity and concern. "Why do we need to go there?"

"Ammunition and supplies," I explained. "We have to be prepared for whatever we might encounter."

With preparations complete, we were ready to depart. However, fate had other plans. As we stepped outside, we were met with a grim reality: infected individuals lurking dangerously close.

Jaidyn tensed up, and I reminded him to move quietly to avoid drawing attention. We slowly made our way past our neighbor's lawn, just narrowly avoiding detection.

Our escape was not without incident, though. An infected lunged at Jaidyn, its grip tight on his shoulder. Panic welled up in him, and he let out a loud scream.

I reacted instantly, drawing my Bowie knife and driving it into the infected's head. The creature fell, lifeless.

Jaidyn, still shaken, grasped his hammer and struck down another approaching infected. A spray of blood splattered his face, prompting a disgusted exclamation from both of us.

But there was no time to dwell on it. More infected were closing in, and I shouted, "Run!"

With the horde gaining ground, we sprinted desperately. The odds seemed stacked against us, but then, a glimmer of hope appeared in the form of a roaring engine.

A red car tore through the horde, obliterating the infected in its path. A girl's voice rang out, urging us to get in. It was Carrie, one of the more popular girls from school, and she was brandishing a gun.

I rushed to the car, and Jaidyn followed suit. The vehicle sped away, leaving the threat behind.

Inside the car, we were greeted by Lex, the driver, and Rose, who occupied the side seat.

Carrie couldn't contain her enthusiasm. "Come on, get in!"

I couldn't help but feel a mixture of gratitude and embarrassment. These were popular kids from school, and Jaidyn and I were just ordinary.

Carrie introduced herself, then gestured to Lex and Rose. "I'm Carrie, and this is Lex and Rose. What are your names?"

Jaidyn and I exchanged glances. "I'm Sawyer, and this is my friend, Jaidyn."

The car sped along, bouncing over debris and infested areas, and I couldn't help but wonder where we were headed.

"Where are we going next?" I finally asked.

"We need food," Lex replied. "Walmart."

I nodded, contemplating our newfound alliance. This was a turning point in our journey, and I had a feeling we were in for more surprises ahead.

Rising of the DeadOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz