Chapter 5: Hopes Are Up

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The dark clouds hung heavily in the sky as we rumbled down the desolate road, our journey marked by the ever-present stench of decaying bodies. It was only two days ago when this nightmare began, but it felt like an eternity had passed.

I couldn't help but notice a shift in my own demeanor. The world was changing, and I was changing with it, growing up in ways I never imagined. In the backseat of the car, it was me, Jaidyn, and Carrie. Lex, our driver, maintained his focus on the road, while Rose remained eerily silent, her shock still palpable.

Rose was the epitome of fragility, a girl you might have seen at the mall, far different from the unapologetically tough Carrie. She was devoid of makeup, and her demeanor contrasted sharply with the movie-like badass image that Carrie exuded.

Our destination loomed ahead – Lex parked the car close to the entrance, preparing for the worst-case scenario.

"Just in case we run into trouble," Lex muttered, a seriousness etched across his face. He emerged cautiously, scanning our surroundings. He signaled for me to get ready, and I responded with a determined nod.

Stepping out of the car, I surveyed the area, making sure it was free of infected. The rest of our group exited the vehicle with caution. Lex, after securing the rear, distributed weapons – an axe for Jaidyn, a handgun for me.

"Anything can save my life," Jaidyn stated, accepting the axe with resolve.

I declined the handgun, knowing it would only draw unwanted attention. I already had my trusty Bowie knife – a gift from my father, and it was all I needed to feel secure.

"Trust me, just in case," Lex urged, handing me the handgun. I hesitated but eventually nodded.

Lex laid out the plan for our scavenging mission, emphasizing safety above all else. We ventured into the store, the once-familiar aisles now in disarray. Dirt, blood stains, and discarded candy wrappers littered the floor where neatly organized shelves once stood. It was a stark contrast to what this place used to be.

A loud THUD echoed through the store, prompting Rose to gasp in fear. Silence settled in as we all scanned our surroundings, alert and ready.

"Okay, team," Lex whispered. "Sawyer, you'll check the stock area. Jaidyn, stick with your friend." Jaidyn nodded in acknowledgment.

"Carrie, Rose, head to the janitor's office. I'll go alone."

Rose wore a terrified expression, and Carrie noticed her fear. She offered reassurance, despite the chaos outside. Her excitement was oddly infectious as she clutched the axe given to her, contrasting sharply with Rose's nervous grip on a knife.

Jaidyn and I made our way to the stock area, approaching cautiously.

"Watch my back and be careful," I advised.

Jaidyn concurred, and as we moved deeper, the noise grew louder and more disconcerting.

Reaching the supply area, we armed ourselves with empty backpacks and collected scattered canned goods. I reminded Jaidyn not to overburden his bag, even though supplies were ample.

A parked truck nearby attracted our attention, its interior hidden in darkness. The strange noises continued, despite our approach.

"Shall we open it?" Jaidyn whispered.

I nodded in agreement, readying my Bowie knife. The handgun remained tucked behind my pants, too noisy for our current situation. My grip on the truck's handle tightened, and I prepared to lift the door.

A noxious stench surged out as the door creaked open, assaulting our senses.

"Eew, what is that smell?" Jaidyn exclaimed, his face contorting as he covered his nose.

"I can't believe you still reacted to that," I chuckled quietly. I had grown accustomed to the foul odor over these two days.

The interior of the truck appeared empty, adding to our confusion. The source of the noise remained elusive.

"Should we go in?" I whispered.

Jaidyn hesitated before agreeing. I raised my right hand, poised for action, and we cautiously stepped forward, unsure of what awaited us.

Suddenly, a weak voice broke the silence, uttering, ""

Jaidyn and I exchanged shocked glances, the girl's plea hanging in the air.

"Oh God, what should we do?" I whispered, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

Jaidyn seemed equally unsure, raising an eyebrow in silent query.

"We have to get her to Lex and decide what to do," Jaidyn finally suggested.

Gently, I lifted the girl into my arms, her frail form heavy with exhaustion. I glanced at Jaidyn and nodded, trusting him to cover our rear.

"Take my handgun from the back of my pants," I instructed. Jaidyn complied, checking for ammunition and flashing a confident smile.

"We're almost there," I assured the girl, noting her fatigue and injuries.

"Are you bitten?" I asked her, glancing at Jaidyn, who watched our surroundings vigilantly.

"N... No," she replied weakly. "Wa...ter."

"We have plenty. We're nearly there," I repeated as we proceeded through the dimly lit hallway.

We soon passed through a broken door, the girl's presence adding a layer of tension to our already precarious situation.

As we moved forward, Jaidyn and I heard a piercing scream. It was Rose. Our heads snapped in the direction of the scream, anxiety washing over us as we wondered what we were about to confront.

Rising of the DeadOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz