chapter ten

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song of the chapter: mad hatter - melanie martinez

Aurora's POV

Somebody please tell me why I was visiting Harry's house a day after he had gotten massively annoyed at me for snooping through his stuff? (But, hey, it had to be done. It was a vital part in piecing the whole story together.)

The evening was on the brisk of arriving, and the bright, blazing sun was just about to set on the horizon. And, here I was, driving through the windy roads of town, ready to apologise to Harry, with a guitar in the backseat of the car, enclosed in a guitar case and my spare clothes draped over it.

When I agreed to move in with Niall, I was definitely surprised when I stumbled across the Fender acoustic guitar stashed underneath his bed, so, I had never mentioned my peculiar findings to him.

I remember being so overwhelmed by shock, seeing an actual musical instrument which was capable of creating music, right in front of me, right there for me to grasp. It was like it was begging me to grab a hold of it, to run my fingers over the velvety strings and strike a few chords, just to make sure it was legitimate. The temptation was rising throughout my entire body, but I just couldn't get myself to do it.

Although I was dying to hear music again, I didn't want to get us busted, so I pretended it never existed. It was fairly easy, considering the fact it was illegal to own any form or sort of music and one/both of us would be captured by the government. I heard the jail sentence for that was thirty years and that was something I didn't want to risk.

To be honest, I felt a little guilty that I was taking his guitar without him knowing to Harry's house, but it was for a worthy cause. He just didn't know that. Plus, he'd probably kill me if I told him.

I had stolen the guitar straight when I got home from work, which was before he had gotten home, so it was a pretty easy job to snatch the guitar and go. My only problem was getting it back under his bed without him noticing, and he was probably going to be already back home at that time. But, we'll figure out a solution when we get to it.

Let's hope that he wasn't going to check under his bed today.

I also knew that my actions were risky. Very risky. If I ever ran into anybody besides Harry, I would be the one sent to the government. Thankfully, he lived in an isolated area, away from civilisation. Even though, I still had to be cautious with my decisions. One wrong move, and I could land myself in prison here.

What was Harry going to react to it? What was he going to react to me at his front door begging him for forgiveness? He hasn't been exactly nice to me lately, and his remarks at the club earlier this morning had me fuming. Drunk Harry wasn't exactly different from normal, stubborn, sober Harry, and it disappointed me.

He must have some sort of weakness. Like Superman was pretty much vulnerable to Kryptonite, Harry must have something that rips the misleading disguise off his face and shows the real Harry, the one that nobody but himself knows.

My gut was feeling that the guitar I had concealed in the backseat of my car had something to do with his weakness. After the whole car scene where he had showed me his secret stash of music, for a total of about an hour and a half, he was acting weird. Unusually weird. Not weird in the sense that it was bad, of course, but a good kind of weird. Normal, even.

He had never been nice or thoughtful up to that point, but he had completely abolished any of my anxious thoughts with decency and displayed to me that he did have real feelings. Sometimes, when you meet a person who's just downright horrible, and in every way possible, you want to slice their throat and crush their soul between your bare hands, you don't actually take into account their feelings or their situation. Sometimes it's easier to pretend you know how somebody is by stereotyping from the very first second that you meet them. Trust me, I do it all the time.

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