chapter thirteen

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song of the chapter: disciples - tame impala

Aurora's POV

Niall and I never did get a chance to figure it out.

I mean, it wasn't as if I didn't want to sort out his problems, my problems, our problems - it was just way too awkward to talk to him. And, yes, maybe I've been subconsciously avoiding him for the past few days. I'd like to say it wasn't my fault, but I knew all I was doing was trying not to face up to what had happened between us.

It's funny how being a psychiatrist does not help with resolving conflicts in your own life.

He wasn't really at home a lot, which was odd. I'd think that if you lost your job, you'd be moping around all day, staying at home, eating your sorrows away (at least, that's what I would do), but he's been going out more than ever. Maybe he was avoiding me too.

Anyway, I was swamped with work, and I was also on my way to another appointment with Harry. Lately, he's been the most normal he has ever been with me, which was confusing, but that didn't mean that I wasn't complaining. It turned out that the whole guitar experience possibly worked in my favour.

Harry suggested we meet somewhere else instead of the 'dreadful old dump you call an office' - his words, not mine - so we settled on Frank's.

I didn't really want to come there after Niall had reminded me of what occurred over a year ago. Despite this, it was honestly the only decent place to talk in this entire town, so I decided to suck it up. I thought it was also a pretty nice gesture because I didn't know anyone who would want to go hang out with their shrink in public.

I was nearing the cafe's destination, spotting Harry seated at one of the tables outside, where he was toying around with the rings on his fingers. I pulled the massive pile of files closer to me as I squeezed in between people, making my way towards the table. His eyes looked up to meet mine, saying hello through the slight wave of a hand.

I greeted Harry with a smile and plopped myself down on the seat across from him. I noticed that his luscious locks were starting to reach the end of his neck. "Hey. Your hair's gotten longer since the last time I saw you."

"Yeah, I'm trying to grow it out." He twisted a finger through his curly ringlets. "I thought it would be a good time for a change, y'know."

"I'm sure it'll look great." I complimented him, which earned me a grin. It was true. He could probably pull off anything - he was definitely somebody who was experimental with his style."So, are you hungry? Should we get anything from inside?"

 "Yes, actually, I haven't had anything to eat since last night." Harry's face lit up at the sound of food, hearing his stomach grumble just mere seconds before. "You've told me before that you always get a caramel frappuccino here so I can get you one..." He abruptly stood up from his chair, the legs scraping across the concrete ground.

"No, Harry, you don't have to-" I argued, but before I could say any more, he cut me off.

"It's fine, Aurora. Let somebody do something for you for once."

I knew that there was no point arguing with him, so I sighed in defeat. "Alright. Just let me pay you back after, though."

He nodded, turning on his heel to head inside and grab us our orders.

I took this time by myself to glance at the people around, who were in the midst of small talk and deep conversations. After everything that's happened with the government, everybody in this city had a story to tell. Everybody in this city remembers exactly what happened on that fateful day. Everybody in this city had lost somebody they had once loved. Everybody in this city wanted to get out of this place but knew they couldn't.

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