chapter eleven

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song of the chapter: i want to write you a song - one direction

Aurora's POV

"Are you sure the woods are completely safe? I mean, you do know that if we get caught here playing guitar we are literally dead meat. We'll probably be hanged for this awful crime we're about to do." I inquired, crushing the autumn leaves beneath my shoes with a loud crunch. The woods seemed deserted, like nobody has stepped in here for years, but that didn't mean I wasn't apprehensive about all of this.

"Relax, Aurora," Harry responded, cradling the guitar in his arms. "you've heard that saying about the tree right? If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

"I don't think that's exactly the same thing."

He shrugged, before continuing to speak. "You know what this reminds me of? That scene in Sleeping Beauty where Aurora picks berries for her fairy aunts and she sings with the owl dressed up like Prince Phillip."

With all the birds chirping, the array of woodland animals who pop out of nowhere and the mysterious aura of the forest, I kind of saw how he visualised Sleeping Beauty, and of course, my birth name. "You've seen Sleeping Beauty? Wow."

"Yes, like, a billion times during childhood. Right now, I bet the handsome prince would be approaching Aurora after hearing her majestic voice and singing the duet with her. Too bad real-life Aurora doesn't have a prince." He joked, a smirk creeping onto his face.

I frowned, "You're an absolute asshole, Harry, I tell you. An asshole."

I couldn't help but wonder why he was acting like this. Acting like he hadn't hated me ever since he stepped foot in my office. Acting like we were joking around as actual friends. I wanted to ask him about it, but I knew it would lead to us talking about psychiatry again, so I figured I would save my questions for later. I didn't want to rain on his parade.

Harry led the way, his footsteps indicating to me that he was walking along a well-known path. He's probably been here a few times and I could see why. It was the perfect place to clear your mind - the atmosphere tranquil, serene and peaceful. It felt like you were the only person in the world when you looked up at all the trees around you.

He suddenly came to a halt, stopping in front of a large, hanging willow tree blocking us from continuing further. With winter fast approaching, all of the leaves dangling off the branches of the tree were turning a dark, coffee coloured brown, waiting for the right time to float down to the ground.

He announced, "It's in here."

Harry proceeded by pushing the hanging leaves to the side, making an entrance for us to go through. It took a while for the both of us to move through the thickness of the leaves, but when we finally made it to the other side, I couldn't believe my eyes.

"W-wow." I stuttered, the only dialogue I could muster up since my brain had been overridden by the beauty of my surroundings.

The willow tree was acting like curtains surrounding the whole circumference of the area, completely secluding it from anyone's prying eyes. You wouldn't have known that it was here unless you went looking for it. The sparse evening sunlight was beaming through the openings of the tree, the only light source provided. Flowers and mushrooms bloomed in spots scattered across the grass.

The central piece of the place, however, was the four long logs arranged in the shape of a rectangle bordering the bonfire pit in the middle. Honestly, it looked so much like a scene from a movie and I had to secretly pinch myself on the back of the hand to make sure I wasn't dreaming out loud.

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