Chapter 6

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*Snow's POV*

I took my time walking down to the dungeon, afraid to see my daughter. I open the door to the darkness, into the path that led me to giving me up Emma in the first place. I enter and a faint laughing could be heard.

"I was wondering when you would show up." She says, but she sounds different and I can't see her anywhere. I light a torch and I walk towards the cell doors, all of a sudden something hits my foot. I look down to see the servant I sent last night on the floor, dead. Then piercing green eyes jump out of no where. Her hair was the same, pulled back in a tight bun, but her skin sparkled like snow, and her lips we're as red as blood. She was dressed in all black tight leather and smirking evily. But something about her eyes was calling to me, like the old Emma calling for help.

"Emma, did you do this?" I ask pointing down to the servants body.

"Yeah, so why do you care?" She says like nothing matters.

"I'm worried about you. I don't want to see you like this, and I care because you hurt somebidy, Emma"

"Says the mother who sent her newborn through a portal to a strange lad, leaving her to fend for herself for 28 years."

"You know I didn't have any other choice."

"Did you even care about me!?"

"Of course I cared, Emma. I'm your mother."

"I don't care." She replies harshly. All the things she is saying is hurtful, the real Emma wouldn't say things like this.

"We're going to bring you back Emma, I promise."

"No you won't. I actually like being the Dark One."

I step towards the exit ready to leave, "I will not loose my daughter, to darkness."


"So it's true the Savior is the Dark One?" Regina asks.

"Yes, you got my message right? Did you find out a way to free the people from the hat?" I ask.

"Yes I did. I need the dagger and something that belonged to the Apprentice." She says.

"Good thing I got this." Hook says walking into the room. He held a broomstick that I remember from the time we made a deal with him long ago.

"Okay, let's begin." Regina held the broom in one hand and the dagger in the other as she stood over the box. She chanted something, something that no one could understand. The box began to shake violently as it opened. The Apprentice appearing before us. He coughed as he sat down in a nearby chair.

"Can you help us, my daughter-" I start.

"Yes, yes your daughter is the Dark One and you want a way to unteather her from the darkness." He finishes.

"How did you know?"

"The Sorcerer and I see all. It is the Sorcerer you need to find to remove the darkness from Emma." He says as he coughs violently. His coughs don't seem to end.

"Are you alright?" I ask, starting to get worried.

"Yes," He says clearing his throat.

"Who is the Sorcerer?" Hook asks from behind me.

He coughs once more and closes his eyes leaning back on the chair.

"His name, Merlin."

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