Chapter 19 - Together Or Not? Part 1

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Chapter 19 - Together Or Not? Part 1

Recap Chapter 18:

“Thanks Si!” Louis blurted out and everyone went in for a group hug. Since I was practically in the middle of everyone, I was squashed in the centre of the group hug, and it slowly got tighter and tighter until I could barely breathe. I couldn’t even talk so I did what any person would do, I bit the closest body part I could find.

“HEY SOMEONE BIT MY ARM!” Niall yelled – oops sorry Nialler!

“Someone bit me too!” Zayn practically cried like a girl. Everyone backed out of the hug not wanting to get bitten either.

“FINALLY. I. CAN. BREATH.” I yelled through gasps of air.

“YOU DID THIS TO ME?!” Zayn yelled at me, pointing to the smallest bite mark ever in the history of bite marks that was on his arm.

“Don’t be a pussy Malik, there are people dying in Africa because of malaria and you are worried about a tiny bit mark.” I looked at him sternly, all the boys then began to call him a pussy. He sighed and walked over to the couch, sitting on it and whipping out his phone.

Chapter 19

About a few seconds later I received a new text. I looked at Zayn and he gestured for me to read it.


Meet me outside in 5 minutes, I need to talk to you –Zayn xxx <3

I smiled as I read the message and looked up at Zayn. I mouthed ‘ok’ and with that he said he needed to go to the bathroom so just walked out. Nobody cared and was busy chatting away.

“Hey guys, I’m going to grab something from downstairs. Won’t be long.” I ran outside before anyone could ask to come or for me to get them anything. I walked down the hallway a bit before I was yanked into a room.

“Zayn what the hell!”

“Sorry, I didn’t want anyone to see.”

“Ok then. What’s up?” I smiled at him and he smiled back, looking me deep in the eyes.

“Would you like to go out to dinner with me some time? Maybe even tonight?” He asked, still looking into my eyes and smiling at the same time.

“Ummm… I’m not sure. It’s just, I don’t know how I feel about any of you guys yet. And I don’t want to start anything until I am 100% sure. I gave myself till the end of my 2 weeks to decide. Can I get back to you then?” I asked, looking at him. Zayn looked away from my eyes and a frown began to appear on his face taking away from his beautiful smile.

“Ahh… yeah I guess… what am I saying? Sure of course. Take as much time as you need.” He half smiled at me. I kissed him on the cheek and his smile came back.

“I know you want me to say yes. But I can’t until I know how I feel about you and the rest of the lads. When I know, I promise I will tell all of you. Just please let me think and not try and pull anything on me. I want to get to know all of you as friends, and then it will make it easier from there.” He smiled sincerely at me, I think now he realises where I am coming from and realises that maybe some of the other lads may like me as well.

“Of course babe, anything for you.” He smiled and pulled me into a hug, before kissing me on my forehead. I smiled and opened the door, walking out of the room I was just in. I walked to the elevator and got out my phone opening a new text to Harry.

New Message: Harry

Can you please meet me in the lobby, I need help, I don’t know what to do! –Cas xx

I immediately got a reply from Harry asking if I was ok and that he would be down in a second. I replied with I’m fine I just need someone to talk to. I guess he knew what I meant ‘cause he replied with ok and then in 2 minutes I saw him walking out of the elevator and towards me.

*Harry’s P.O.V.*

I sat on the couch with everyone, not really concentrating on any real conversation, but more worried about where Zayn and Cas were. My phone vibrated in my pocket and pulled it out, smiling at the fact that it was Cas.

Cassie Babe (:

Can you please meet me in the lobby, I need help, I don’t know what to do! –Cas xx

My heart sunk as soon as I saw her message. I quickly responded to her message.

New Message: Cassie Babe (: <3

Are you ok? What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Babe what’s going on?! -Harry xxx

Cassie Babe (:

I’m fine Hazza don’t stress! Haha! I just need someone to talk to and you’re the only one I can talk to about this -Cas xx

I sighed in relief as Zayn walked through the door. He jumped on the seat and began chatting away with everyone. I realised it must have had something to do with him. I jumped up from my seat and said that I needed a drink so I was going to the cafeteria. No one really cared because they were all too busy discussing the new song for the 100th time. I sighed again and walked to the door. After about 3 minutes I found Cas on a chair in the lobby. I took the seat in front of her.

“What’s up buttercup?” She didn’t look up from her hot chocolate, I knew something was seriously wrong. I moved to the seat next to her and put my hand on her knee, she jolted her head up and met my eyes. “Cas, what’s going on? It’s about Zayn isn’t it?”

“Mmmhmmm…” She nodded and put her head down again. I lifted her head back up to meet mine.

“Cas, talk to me. You can tell me anything you know that.” I smiled reassuringly, she smiled back and sat up in her chair and cleared her throat.

“He asked me out to dinner, he asked if it could be tonight.” She said looking at me, tears unwillingly escaping her eyes. Tears she fought so hard to keep inside.

“Babe, it’s ok, you don’t have to cry. What did you say?” I asked, whipping the tears away.

“I said no. I told him I wasn’t sure how I felt about him or any of the boys and that I told myself I would make the decision by the end of my 2 weeks and give all of them my answer.” She looked up at me, hoping that that was the right thing to say.

“You don’t have to clear it with me babe. If you like him, go for it. I just want you to tell the other boys who you choose, if any.”

“I know that.” She said bluntly.

“Then why are you crying?” I asked, looking a little bit more confused.

“Because, I know I don’t want to date the other boys. They are lovely guys and all, but they aren’t the ones I like…” She trailed off. I wasn’t entirely sure what she was getting at.

“Who do you like then babe?” I asked her, lifting her head up again so I could see her beautiful eyes.

“The guy I like is the guy I will never be able to be with.” She said looking into my eyes.

“Why can’t you ever be with him?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper as we moved closer to each other.

“Because the guy I like doesn’t like me back.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because, he is telling me to chase after his bestfriend.”

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