Chapter 41 ~ Aquainted

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The call took thirty seconds. It was also the burning sensation that needed to be cooled down immediately. A bit of wine circulated throughout my body which most likely also contributed to me being care free. The moon helped guide me. The night was still young.

"My friend needs me," I told Geoffrey before hopping into my vehicle. And I didn't lie to him. My friend did need me.

The bell boy greeted me and stared behind me a little. After not seeing any bags around me, he nodded and took me to the front desk. I still tipped him as he walked off. The hotel was nice. I went as far as to say the employees were great.

"Alexandria Salas?" A blonde around the age of her late twenties said my name. I nodded in confirmation and waited on her next move. Before handing me a gold card, she asked me for my I.D. The gold card had the logo of the hotel in a fancy font. Her smile gave away a positive vibe.

The elevator dinged twice before landing on my floor. I was alone when I slipped inside. The twenty-eight button lit up when I pressed it and the doors close. Up I went. It was interesting to see the tile on the floor and stare at myself a little before it all stopped. I turned and, with my head held high, walked right into the hallway belonging to floor twenty-eight. Turning right, I headed to the last room. It was nice, dark, and quiet on this side. Meanwhile, someone decided to turn on their music a little too loud but I paid it very little mind. Two knocks on the last door was enough to make it open.

"Miss me? I knew you wouldn't hesitate," Abel had a little provocative smile on his face that lasted only about three seconds before my lips threw themselves on his.

It took me five seconds to kick the door shut and another five for Abel to have me anxious on his couch.. Time felt stopped. He said nothing, I said nothing. The only sounds were a little moaning here and some groaning from Abel there.

When Abel got on top of me, the couch dipped and my body molded with it. The only time our lips disconnected was when I took off my shirt and Abel his.

"I need you closer to me," I whispered in his ear while his lips explored the crevasses of my neck. With him kneeling before me, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself on him. My legs hugged his waist and our bodies were touching each other. This was as close as I could get us.

We made out for a not quite satisfying amount of time before my jeans came off. His jeans followed and soon my bra joined the growing pile. His teeth scraped the tenderness of my breasts before I finally let out multiple moans. His lips retraced their path back to my lips. My hair was set loose from its ponytail and I felt it tickle my back. His fingers slowly slid down my back until I felt them on the back lace part of my underwear. He kept making patterns back there with no intentions of taking them off. I didn't mind so much. His lips made their way back down to my breasts and played with them for a while before finally laying me down. It was then that the adrenaline in my body started kicking in. Before we knew it, there was a pile of clothes in one end of the room and us in a bundle of covers, sweat, kisses, and plenty I miss you's on the other end.

"Why am I not surprised you're here?"

"Really? Damn, it was supposed to be a surprise though," He pretended to be disappointed but only ended up closing his eyes.

"We'll talk tomorrow then, no worries," The lights were already off. Abel held my secure by my waist which I didn't enjoy so much and when I tried pulling away, it woke him up.

"Am I bothering you?"

"Yeah, don't hold me so tight."

"Sorry," he smiled apologetically. After a long pause he spoke up again, "I'm glad we're aquainted," and fell right back asleep. The phrase left me dumbfounded but I shrugged it off and decided to call it a night.


Im back for a few I guess you could say. Its been a long while and I miss writing and all but life just happens and it decided to happen now. I am deeply truly sorry my loves! I hope you guys dont hate me and still keep reading these. Love you all so much ♡♡♡

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