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  "oh man! I wish I bought an umbrella." Mac complains.
The boy with scruffy brown hair runs through the rain and heads to his most favorite place in the world, Foster's Home for Imaginary friends. It was chock full of unique friends that were created by children. They were taken to Foster's when the child is grown up and the thoughts are able to be adopted. There was one that Mac was anxious to see. It was his own imaginary friend, Bloo. Under special circumstances, Mac was able to leave Bloo at Foster's and not worry about Bloo being able to be adopted as long as he sees him every day. Mac stops to take breather and stopped underneath a canopy above an door to a restaurant.
After resting for a few minutes, he was running past an alleyway. He stopped after seeing something bright move. Something brightly hot pink and light pinks. He walked closer to see what it was. The closer he got, the more of the thing he saw. It was a tail, striped with a screaming bright pink and a soft pastel pink. He saw more of the thing attached to the tail. It was a girl in a blue dress and black hair. He saw stitches on the legs and arm. Mac was tempted to call the police until he saw the white rabbit ear and little crown with a red heart on top. She was a doll... no like an actual doll. From all his viewings of imaginary friends, this was very different. In a good way. She looked human if it was not for the ears, tail, and stitches. He kneeled down and attempted to wake her up.
"Hey. Are you Ok?" No reaction. He shook her shoulder and nothing. Mac slightly panicked, thinking she was hurt. He went inside the restaurant that he stopped in front of and asked to use their phone. When he was allowed, he called Foster's. very stiff and posh voice answered the phone.
"MR. HERRIMAN!" Mr. Herriman was a very stiff. no nonsense bunny who was imagined by the Madam Foster. He basically ran the home.
"Master Mac I hope you are calling to say you are on the way to arrive here soon. Other-" He was interrupted.
"Do not worry Master Mac. I will tell Ms. Francis to come pick you up and this friend. Where are you at the current moment?" Mac told him where he was and headed back to the imaginary friend that he found. He looked at her closely and saw she was like Alice In Wonderland. She had the dress of Alice, white bunny ears, the Red Queen crown where the band around the Mad Hatter top hat n her head, an actual moving clock where the pocket is on the apron, and the Cheshire cat tail. She was like a rag doll too. Stitches marked her body on her legs, hands and face. It may look ugly in some cases, but Mac thought it was perfect. (Its a Wilt story not Mac...maybe...jk)
Soon enough, Frankie drove there. She had Eduardo, who was a purple imaginary friend who was made to protect his kid and Coco, who was a bird tree...plane thingy, with her to help her in case the friend was too big for Frankie and Mac to carry by themselves.
"Mac?" Mac replied by calling her to get over where he was behind the trash cans. Frankie and the others came and saw the friend that was in need. Frankie called Eduardo to carry her and asked Coco for a blanket.
All of them were in the bus in a few minutes and headed inside Foster's. When Mac opened the door, Madam Foster, Mr. Herriman, Wilt and his best friend Bloo, was there. Madam Foster was a small sweet old lady. She may seem frail, but she was anything, but. She loved to have fun and play with the imaginary friends that lived in her house. Which was the complete opposite of her imaginary friend she has since her childhood. A stick in the mud was an understatement of what he was. He was a tree in a tar pit. There was an exact place for exactly everything. His best friend, Bloo, He was like a silo. He had a round head, but a straight body. (I couldn't really think of anything of what he looks like) Lastly, the tallest person in the house, Wilt. He was a red, skinny tall imaginary friend with a googly eye and one that was alright. He had the number 1 stitched on his torso and an arm that reached down almost to his feet and past his knees. the other one was a stitched stump. He was made for basketball.
"Ah. there you are dearies. I was worried sick about you. Where is the friend in trouble?" Madam Foster asked. Eduardo bent down to show her and cried...loudly.
"Help her! She is frio!!"
"Now now calm down dearie. She needs peace and quiet. Come on now. We'll take her to the room we have ready for her." Everyone followed the little old woman. The room was big and spacious and had one bed, a dresser, closet and a big window that has a nice view. It was a dark blue colored room that looked as the night sky. They all watched as Eduardo picked up the friend and led her to the bed inside

"Now let's let her rest and we'll talk to her when she wakes up tomorrow." Madam Foster says and everyone evacuates the room, leaving the Wonderland mashup doll in her room.

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