Fixing Time

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Time sure does fly when you're having fun. That is exceptionally true with Lily. When Wilt, Coco, Eduardo, Bloo and Lily went outside and were playing, Lily decided to throw her pocket watch that was in the apron pocket. It landed on the cement sidewalk and Wilt decided to pick it up.

"Lily, what's the matter? Why did you throw your pocket watch?" Lily took out her notepad and wrote,

'I wanted to see time fly because I was having too much fun.' Well, it was a way to see it. Wilt knelt down in front of her and showed her the watch. The clock face was about to pop off and hands have stopped moving forward. All of the gather around it. Eduardo asked Lily on how was she going to fix it and Bloo answered instead.

"Well, she can't Ed. She should have thought of that before she decided to throw it away.  If she wants another one, SHE would have to buy it on her own. What a loooser!" Bloo smirked. Lily shook her head no and wrote in her handy dandy notebook (Anyone get the reference?) 

'I can fix it.' Bloo laughed.

"Oh yeah? How?" Lily was heading inside and stopped. She motioned them to follow her and they did. They didn't go to her room or Herriman's office but to the kitchen.

"The kitchen?! Are you serious? I bet you won't be able to fix it." Lily mentally smirked. She was going to win. She wrote something and showed it to Bloo, who read it aloud.

'I bet you I will fix it. If I do fix it, I get to dye you pink and have you eat all the boogers in Sloppy Mo's nose. If you win, I'll do whatever you say for 24 hours.' 

"That's it! Bring it sister!" Bloo's eyes narrowed and his mouth smirked.

Lily was on a stool that bought her to clearly see what she was doing and made her believe she can fix it. When she was created, Lily was made with two types of intelligence, Reality and Wonderland. She was pretty intellectual when she needs it in either. In this case, she needed her Wonderland genius mode. She lifted her hat to show a different teapot This one was a light red and had a mismatch cup that was white with pink filigree and was chipped. The teapot was just pure strange it was only half a teapot cleanly split and had Iced tea cubes. They all heard footsteps from the door, they panicked, thinking it was Herrimen. However, it was just Mac. 

"Hey guys what are you doing in the kitchen? " he asked as he saw all of them,crowding around the imaginary friend he found yesterday. His own imaginary friend walked up to him and put and arm around his shoulders with a look that Mac can only read as trouble.

"We were watching Lily here attempt to fix the pocket watch she threw. It broke and we made a bet that if she didn't fix it, she would have to do what I say for 24 hours." Mac looked at his creation with a bored look.

"Oh yeah? What happens if she did fix it?" Lily's note that had Bloo's part of the deal where he has by dyed pink and eat the boogers from Sloppy Mo's nose. "you better hope that she doesn't fix it, Bloo. She got a pretty good one here." Lily nodded and got back to work. She poured the Iced tea cubes and came out as a liquid iced tea. They all wondered how was that possible. She filled the teacup that her tail had bought out. She dunked her watch into the tea like a tea bag. They were all thinking at this point,

'What is she doing?!' 

She pulled it out to reveal tea crystals were stuck on it and opened it. The clock face was stuck to the cover and lifted it off. The gears were moving, but were slightly stuck. Lily began to stab at the watch with a fork and grabbed a knife to smear peanut butter on it. Next, she lifted her hat again with a different teapot. This one was whole, but was a light green and had some sort of ornate design on it. Lily poured steaming hot tea on the mess that was once a watch. There was something that was missing. As she was thinking, Wilt noticed that there was a certain spark in her eyes. All day, he only saw fascination and amazement with a touch of fear, but now he sees happiness, curiosity and excitement. Was she happy that she was fixing the pocket watch? He saw her get milk from the fridge and a slice of bread. She crumpled the bread into crumbs and poured some milk onto the pile that was sitting on her watch. Out of her apron bow, she managed to get 3 spoons and squished them into the watch. Lily saw they wouldn't stay inside, but marmalade was the key. She plopped a spoonful on it and smeared it with the knife she used with the peanut butter. Lily looked puzzled. She was missing a very important part. Looks like she might need mustard.... no wait! She hacked up a huge loogie and spat on the mess. Spit from a royal member of Wonderland. She was the closest thing.

"Wow. Bravo. You just managed to make an utter mess of a very expensive looking P-" Bloo was interrupted as Lily slammed down the clock face and the cover to close it and had wiped the excess from the side. It was still and tense. Everyone was watching the spectacle and wondered what Lily might do next. She poked at it with a spoon and the watch was going everywhere. It started to hop around and growling.  It had jumped to go after the group, but a spoon blocked them. Lily was levitating upside down and had a paper attached to her face that read "YOU'RE LATE FOR TEA!!" Then had thrown another spoon. The watch was now on the floor and was still. They crowded around it and hoped it won't jump up and bite at them. Lily fluttered down and poked at it with a delicate pale finger. 

The clock opened up and was back to normal. You can smell the stuff that Lily piled on there like the marmalade, but nothing in sight. At least now that the hands were moving and the face was stuck on right. All of them were in shock of the fact that it was working. Bloo most of all.


"Bloo! You just have to accept it works. She managed to fix it, even if I don't know how, but she managed to make it work. Look. The only thing wrong with it that she just needs to adjust the time for it. It's a few hours early." Mac points out.

"Si. She made it work again, Azul." The whole group agreed to the impossible but somehow possible feat.

"Yeah sorry Bloo. She won." Wilt

"Co cocococo co. Coco cocococococo cococo coco co co co cococo" Coo reminds him that he has to deal with his end of the bet.

"But come oooooooooooooooon!" Bloo whines some more. Lily wrote something with a very unimpressed look on her face at Bloo's behavior. 

'How about I just do it tomorrow? There is no way you're getting out of it. I'll just delay the time for you. I don't feel like it right now.'

"Urgh! Fiiiiiiiiiiine." Bloo stressed out the vowel in the word and just felt annoyed.

 "How did you float like that though?" Mac asked.

'My creator made me able to be like the Cheshire cat. I'm able to float and appear out of nowhere  and I do have the tail too."

"Wow! That's pretty cool. Is that why you can make teapots, cups and spoons appeaer out of nowhere?" Lily used her hand to make a so-so pattern and wrote,

'Sort of. She also made me part Mad Hatter, so that's why they appear. They come out if I want them to.' 

"Coco co cocococo coco?" Wilt translated for Lily.

"She asked what other characters are part of you?" Lily scribbled out the answers.

'Red Queen, Alice, Mad Hatter, Cheshire Cat, White Rabbit, and I think Tweedles. My creator also made me in the image of what she thought her younger sister would look like. Unfortunately, it didn't work so I ended up looking like an older sister.'

"That's amazing Lily." Wilt said. "You're amazing, Lily."  Lily blushed at the compliment but wrote thank you anyway. The rest of the day was exciting for Lily and sometimes, you can see a small smile on Lily's face.

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