Waking up

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Vivid green eyes flutter like bread and butterflies to the sunlight in the room. How did she get there? All she remembers was her falling asleep in the rain. The door opened showing a girl with red hair and a green sweater. She had her red hair in a ponytail and piercings in her ears. She had a white shirt with 3 insignias  that were a baby blue, a pink and light green. The shirt was above her belly button and had a dark purple skirt that ended a few inches above the knee. Her eyes came to our heroine of the story and a smile was on the redhead's face.

"Oh you're awake. That's good. We were really worried about you. Thankfully Mac found you in the rain yesterday. I'm Frankie. What's your name?" The imaginary friend tilted her head in confusion and signaled for a piece of paper and a pen. "Oh. Um..." Frankie began to look in her pockets. She didn't find one. "Sorry. I don't have one. How about you write the letters on my hand and I'll know what you're writing?" Our heroine nodded and grabbed Frankie's hand. She was able to see Frankie did a lot of hard work into what she does. A pale white hand formed as a fist with an index finger and drew on Frankie's hand the letters, L,I,L and Y.

"L,I,L,Y? Lily? That's your name? It's so cute. Do you know where your kid is?" Lily shook her head no. She grabbed Frankie's hand and wrote the words No owner. "No owner? So you don't have one at the moment? Well, you can stay here." 

Lily wondered she meant. Where was she? Who was the one who carried me? Who was "Mac"? Frankie said that someone named "Mac" found her. She grabbed Frankie's hand and wrote out her first question.

'Where am I?' 

"You're at Foster's home for Imaginary friends. It's where imaginary friends with no homes or where the kids want to put them up for adoption are placed. There are a lot of friends here, so you don't need to worry about being the only one." Lily let the information sink in. She wrote her next question.

'Who is Mac? You said he found me.'

"Yeah. He's a regular visitor here. He comes here everyday."  She replied. "I know that you have a lot more questions, but how about we get you some breakfast. Right now, I have everything on simmer and wanted to see if you were awake. I can walk you to the mess hall if you feel well enough to, that is." A concerned look was on Frankie's face. Lily nodded and swung her feet to the side of the bed. She slowly got up, staying in her sot to let herself get situated on her feet. Now that Frankie has a good look, she can see she was pretty. She had short hair that fell right above her shoulders and was inky black with pale skin. Her small height was adding to a cute and fragile appearance that Lily had. Lily had her skin with certain parts that has stitches, like around her neck and elbow. She was like a little doll who was patched and sewn together. What really grabbed Frankie's attention is the many aspects of Alice in Wonderland is there on her. She was splotched with it. Both females began to walk down to the dining room. Lily followed Frankie hallway after hallway after hallway after hallway. Along the way, she can see all the imaginary friends that were here. She can see some that were small and tall, skinny thin and roundly fat, smooth and hairy. There were so many, Lily's eyes flying back and forth to see all of them. 

"You'll see them all at breakfast, so don't strain your eyes too much." Lily blushed and nodded. Frankie paused in her stroll. "Actually, you need to go to Herriman's office. He'll have you listed under us and information so people can look through in case they adopt you." Lily nodded again. "Maybe you can tell him that you need a whiteboard. It would definitely save paper." I'll have someone here guide you there. I have to finish cooking breakfast." Suddenly, Frankie sees a tall red someone. "OOH! I know who can help you. WILT!"

Wilt turns to see Frankie and the friend that Mac found last night. He walks over to them and Lily had to look up just to see his face. He really was that tall. Compared to him, Lily felt smaller than she was. When having her and Frankie side by side, she was only a few inches smaller than Frankie. Lily tilted her head at him and wondered who created him. One thing is for certain though. Whoever his kid was, they really loved basketball.

"Morning Frankie. What's up."

"Morning Wilt. I have to go finish cooking breakfast. Can you take Lily here to Herriman's office to have her registered here, and maybe after that to breakfast?" Frankie asked Wilt.

"Oh sure. Of course. If that's ok with you, Lily?" Wilt looked down at her. Lily couldn't help but stare at him. He was REALLY tall. "Um Lily?" Frankie poked the little doll of a friend, and that seemed to make her snap back into reality. Lily grabbed Frankie's hand fast and wrote her thoughts on Wilt. Once, Frankie figured what she wrote at such high speed, she laughed.

"Yep. He is the tallest here. Also, very kind." 

"I'm sorry, but what did she do?"

"Oh. Sorry Wilt. She can't talk. Since I didn't have a notepad and a pen with me, I told her she can write on my hand until she can get a whiteboard. from Herriman." Lily nodded to confirm that Frankie was right. "I'll see you guys at breakfast." Frankie left the two and they stood in the hallway. Lily pointed at Wilt's hand and wrote "Sorry."

"Oh no. It should be me who should say sorry. I was being nosy." Lily shook her head no and write on his hand again. Lily was writing at top speed while being flustered. She wasn't used to seeing so many people and imaginary friends in one place. Wilt couldn't understand what she was writing. "Whoa there. Slow down there. I'm sorry I can't understand what you were writing." Lily's face blushed and wrote sorry again. 

They began to walk to Herriman's office and Wilt knocked on the door. A very proper British voice allowed them to come in. Lily saw it was a rabbit in a top hat and a waistcoat. Could he be the White rabbit she was made after? Wait...he has gray fur with a white stomach. He wore a monocle and was looking at some paper.

"Ah. Master Wilt. Good morning. It seems our guest is awake now. Good morning to you miss." He greets his fellow imaginary friends. "Are you quite alright miss?" She nods. Wilt puts in what he learned from Frankie.

"Excuse me sir, but Frankie said that she isn't able to talk."

"Is that so? Well, then how about we solve that problem after I talk to miss..." Wilt answered.


"Mistress Lily. If you will, Master Wilt, wait outside." He goes and Lily walks closer to the desk.She noticed all the things in the office were shipshape and very neat. She was motioned to sit down. Herriman clears his throat. "Alright then, Mistress Lily. Now I will ask you some questions and you can answer them on this spare piece of paper and I will fill them in the actual form."

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