Nightly singing

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Lily smiled at the ceiling as she thought about for the last couple of days. It was pretty fun. She hasn't had that much fun in so long. For a while, she has never much fun. Her smile began to fade and appear a a frown. Thinking of how she had lived before she came here, she was all alone. No friend, no home, no family, no creator....just her. The fact that she was found made her feel lucky. She decided she needed to let out some air. They all assumed that she couldn't speak, but she was able to. However, since her creator was shy, she decided to maker Lily shyer than herself when it came to first impressions. Lily was able to talk around other people. It would just take a while for her to get used to them. 

Lily walked out of her room and went to the backdoor that was close to the kitchen. The night air was cool and breezy. Lily closed her eyes and the little wind breeze blew through her black strands of hair. She decided to sing the lullaby she would sing to her creator.

"When the moon shines and the wind blows, the fairies of the night dance among the shadows. Floating lights sparkles far and high. Let them comfort you and lull you to sleep Please do not cry and watch the fairies dance near you. Let them sing you to a world of dreams and play until their heart's content. You're not alone for they watch over you. As do I."

Little did she know she was being watched. Wilt was merely hoping to grab a glass of water. He thought about the whole week you were here with them. He saw you were happy here yes, but the only time you would smile was fixing that clock and the times he accidentally found her secretly by herself drinking tea. He did think she was amazing. Since he couldn't sleep because of all his thoughts, he decided to go to the bathroom to wash his face and drink some water. While heading to the bathroom, he heard a voice. A...beautiful one. Wilt had to know who it was. He walked to where he heard it be louder. Every step he took led him to the voice. It really was a good voice. If anyone thought of otherwise and told him that, he would oppose to it. He heard it coming from the back and saw Lily.

Lily was singing...SINGING!! She was in a nightgown that Frankie helped get while they were out for the whiteboard that Lily used to talk with... or at least that's what it was supposed to be used for. Wilt thought she wasn't able to talk. 'Well...' he thought  'there had to be a reason she didn't want to talk aloud.' Wilt slowly walked away after watching Lily dance around the backyard and sing quietly, but loud enough for him to hear her from inside. He walked inside his room and goes under the bunk bed where he slept and his eyelids began to droop while his mind was on the singing doll in the backyard.

The morning had come and Lily was in her blankets. All that you can see on the bed was a lump under a big comforter. A knock echoed in the room and a voice called out from the other side.

"Liiiiillllyyyyy!!!! Come on and hurry up or Herriman is going to come and nag us." It was Bloo's whiny voice. Lily popped her head out and left her little warm sanctuary. She walked to the door while the nightgown she wore to bed began to evaporate and became her regular clothes. She opened her door to see the smiling faces of her friends and smiled at the back. Wilt noticed her whiteboard wasn't in her hands. Even from what he knew from last night, she probably needed it.

"Lily, don't forget your whiteboard." Wilt reminded. Her eyes looked at him and looked back into her room. Her whiteboard was on her bedside table. Lily waved her finger at it and saw it levitate to her. It slowly reached her hands and she began to scribble on it. 

'Thank you Wilt.'

"You're welcome Lily." Soon enough all of them walked to breakfast. Until lunch they decided to discover more about Lily. They would ask questions and ask her what else she could do. They were in the backyard at the moment, asking her if she can show what she can do.

"Can you show us more Liliro?" She nods, knowing Eduardo was talking to her. Lily decided for Eduardo to teach her Spanish. He agreed and taught her a few words and phrases, her name included.

She jumped high and evaporated into a mist. When she reappeared above Eduardo, she held flowers and was wearing a purple version of her usually blue dress. She dropped the flowers in his lap and disappeared again. This time, she reappeared next to Bloo with her usual blue dress and got him a candy bar.

"WOW! YOU MANAGED TO GET A HALF CARAMEL FILLED MILK CHOCOLATE BAR WITH NUTS AND THE OTHER HALF WITH WAFERS AND WHITE CHOCOLATE!!" Bloo fanboyed over. There she goes. She appeared behind Coco. She was still in her blue dress and poured a tea cup full of cocoa. 

"Coco cococo" Coco said. Lily can finally understand what Coco is saying and knows she said thank you. Finally she appeared behind Wilt and gave him a huge hug and a teacup of cocoa.

"Oh. Thank you Lily." Wilt thanked her and smiled as he drank some of the cocoa. Lily hovered close to Wilt's face and smiled back. She had never smiled this much before and she liked it. Before they knew it, they began to play hide and seek. They had Bloo be it, so all of them ran to hide. Lily ran into a closet. She turned and saw Wilt was really close to her.

"Oh hi Lily." he whispered. Lily waved as she was face to face level with him, since she was hovering above the ground. The closet was awkward and sort of cramp, but not much. Wilt stared at Lily and her eyes would dart at and away from him. Wilt couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm sorry Lily. I can't take it anymore. I-" he was cut off by Coco coming into the closet. She looked at the Wonderland doll and the red basketball player friend.

"Co coco co coco cococo?"

"Yeah sure Coco. Hurry." Before Wilt closed the door, Eduardo squished himself in there. Wilt closed the door and was more squished in the closet. They stayed quiet until they were reaching their breaking points. It's been hours and Bloo hasn't found them yet. They thought Bloo had abandoned their game and went to go looking for him. Lily was pouting on the outside, but on the inside she was curious. What was it that Wilt was going to say? She shrugged it off, levitated to Wilt's eye level, and poked Wilt's shoulder. She motioned for one minute and her whiteboard.

"Oh ok. We'll meet you downstairs." Wilt says. As he watches her evaporate, he still thinks about last night. How hard could it be for her to talk around other people? He really wanted to hear her voice again. He would be sorry for being selfish to hearing it, but she really had a pretty voice. If he said that out loud, he would not apologize about it. The group met Lily downstairs with her whiteboard as she appeared right before them, just a few inches above the ground and all left the house to go find Bloo.

Soon enough, they found Bloo beaten in a dumpster. From the way Bloo has put things, it seems that Mac had abandoned him after beating him. Lily didn't buy it. From the times that she had played with Mac, he would never do that. Apparently, everyone believed Bloo. Lily was wondering about that until they somehow made it to the park. 

'When did we get here?' she thought. They found a strange imaginary friends with a collar, a leash and so many eyes! He was crying and everyone went to go comfort him. From what Lily can understand of the situation, Mac had "abandoned" Bloo and this guy while looking for his owner Stevie, who is blind. What is going on here? Mac would never do that. She wrote that last thought onto her white board and showed it to Wilt. He read it over.

"I know Lily, but you heard it from Bloo. Mac was the one who beat him up and Ivan here said that Mac abandoned him." Wilt said slightly mad at the thought of a kid doing this to imaginary friends. Lily was slightly scared at the thought that him being mad. She floated a little away from Wilt. He didn't notice her shiver. When she thinks on the anger behind his voice, reminds her of something. Something horrible. 

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