Cookie Obsession

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It was a rainy night at the Foster's home for imaginary friends. Everyone was doing their own thing. Our heroine, Lily, was helping Frankie fold clothes. She knew Frankie was often overworked, so she decided to help Frankie as much as she can.

"Thanks for helping me out Lil. You don't have to." Lily shook her head with a gentle smile.

It's fine. You do a lot for us anyway. It's only fair I help.

"Aww, thank you!"

"Coco coco." Coco said as she behind Frankie at a table.

"Sure, Coco. I'd love some more cocoa." Lily frowned thinking 

'I don't think she meant it that way.'

Frankie drank the rainwater from inside the cup that Coco was talking about.

"Coco Coco!"

"Thanks Coco!"  Wilt was the next victim. Lily giggled at the silliness of the whole situation. "Ah," he sighed in satisfaction. "You're the best." Wilt put the cup down in front of Coco again. Lily watched as she folded more shirts. Unfortunately, the roof was basically pouring in. Water started to drip everywhere. 

"Coco!" Lily pulled out a clear raincoat and put it on. 

"Wow Lily! You sure are prepared. Where did you keep it at?" 

A rainy teapot. 

Lily smiled as she saw Wilt become a little confused. Everyone was used to answers like these or some other out of the box answer, but were always left confused anyway. 

Everyone ran to patch the ceiling. Lily was in charge with duct tape. She floated to the ceiling and patched any cracks or holes with the other imaginary friend who could fly as well. However, it seemed the more they plugged any holes or sealed cracks, more were made and gushing water out by the second.

The rain didn't stop any time soon. Mr. Herriman and Madame Foster were talking and decided to spend the emergency money they have saved for occasions like this. Mr. Herriman opened the safe.



"Why is the emergency fund missing?"

"Oh my!" She giggled. "Why, I almost forgot! I spent it last year to buy this gold-plated safe." 

"I see." Mr. Herriman was a little annoyed. "You spent our emergency fund on a container for our emergency fund."


"So we have no money for a new roof?"He looked to his creator.

"Well, if you want to put a negative spin on it, sure we don't. But look on the bright side," He almost dreaded the answer. "it's a beautiful safe." Madame Foster smiled as she slammed the door shut to the safe. "This is real gold colored paint! Glorious!"

Mr. Herriman facepalmed himself. Meanwhile,  at the dining room, everyone was getting fed up with how the roof still leaked. Lili was not that bothered by it, but did consider it a bother when trying to sleep.

"Ah! Soup again?!" Bloo whined.

"It's meatloaf." It seemed the water made the meatloaf into a pile of mush. 

"I can't live like this anymore! We need a new roof! I've had to SWIM to dinner!" 

"There's a moat around the toy chest." Wilt added. Lily placed an umbrella over Wilt's head.

"Thank you Lily." She nodded. Even Eduardo and Coco put in their grievances. Lili nodded again in confirmation.

"The point remains," Bloo continued his speech. "something must be done! An imaginary friend cannot live underwater forever. Present company excluded, Fido." He said to the imaginary dog fish. 

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