The Bloos

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AN: It certainly has been a while. I was kinda working on other stories. On with the story. I also just started editing the story for little inconsistencies, which I also am doing for my other stories on this site and quotev.

PS If a word or phrase is like this, it means Lily wrote it out

After that whole fiasco with the seeing eye friend, Lily was still a little scared of Wilt in his angry mode. She really didn't like it when anyone get angry. It was a bit childish, but she wished for everyone to be happy and to be at peace with everyone else. Lily still hung around them, but has been writing less with her whiteboard and just nodded her head yes or no for mostly everything. She couldn't blame Wilt, Coco, or Mac being angry and being on the verge of screaming in annoyance. It was a pretty big mix up. Lily was waiting with everyone, except Bloo who was with Mac at school for show and tell. All four were relaxing in the sun. Wilt was shooting baskets with Coco and Eduardo. Lily said she didn't feel like it, so she was doing some gymnastics stuff that her child would practice. Luckily, Lily was as flexible as her owner.

She was doing a handstand with her legs bending down so her dress didn't flow down. Slowly but swiftly, her legs bent for her to do a sort of crab walk with her hands facing inward. She stood up straight as she did a somersault and into a handstand again. Her body was swinging back and forth. With her momentum, she got into a somersault again and popped out from the ball form with a giant teapot. She didn't notice the other stopped what they were doing and watched her play with the giant teapot. Lily jumped inside and had the pot pouring but nothing came out of the spout. The others went to see her if she was still inside the pot, but nothing was in there. Lily silently giggled and clapped from behind them. Eduardo jumped into Wilt's arm, out of fear, while Coco laid an egg. Lily smiled and bought out some tea and cookies to go with it. With her tail, she wrote out:

Sorry. I couldn't resist, but here's some cookies and tea to say I'm sorry, especially to you Ed.

Ed hugged her as gently as he could and all of them enjoyed the tea.

"Wow. These cookies are really great, Lily." Wilt complimented. Lily smiled as she poured him a cup of Earl grey tea. They were chatting away, or writing in Lily's case, until they decided to go back inside. Soon enough, Mac and Bloo were from school. Mac was telling Frankie and the rest of the house went with show and tell. Mac was using his time to advertise for Foster's. Lily smiled at the little boy and thought that Bloo was the luckiest imaginary friend to have a kid like Mac. However, from what Mac was telling them, it seems the kids were more focused on Bloo. 

Wilt began to see a concerned face on Lily's face. His heart felt a bit squished when he saw a negative expression on Lily. He knew he didn't like it, but he just didn't know why. Lily walked to her room and heard a voice call for her.

"Hey Lily." Wilt walked by her and stopped where she waited for him to catch up. Lily waved at him and wrote what was the matter. She levitated to be eye to eye with Wilt and showed him her board. "Well, I saw you were worried about something and walked away, so I wanted to ask you if there was something that was bothering you. If that's ok with you." Lily tilted her head to the side and  wrote on her little board. She flipped to reveal her response.

I'm fine. It's just that if the kids were focusing on Bloo, something might happen.

Wilt read the message and wondered what she meant.

"What do you mean?" He saw Lily was hesitant to write out her opinion. Lily was a little bit scared to reveal her thoughts. What if he didn't like what she had to say...just like them? "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, Lily." She shook her head and written what she wanted to say.

I'm sorry. It's just that kids are very impressionable and I think that with Bloo and his actions, kids might imagine friends like Bloo, but yet not Bloo. I know this may sound stupid, but I just feel that may be the case.

Wilt did know that to happen with smaller kids. But that wouldn't happen... right?

The next day, a lot of kids from Mac's class showed up, but only to leave their Bloo copies there. Lily sighed as she watched the house being filled with Bloos. Some were strange looking, completely different from Bloo, and was just weird entirely. But she figured that the message was sent out apparently. Wilt looked at Lily and knew she was right.  

Kids were impressionable. Lily knew that when she was with her child. She always loved the idea of being a superhero when she watched her cartoons. That led her to trying to fly and pretend to beat up villains in her way. Lily, with her muchiness from her Alice part, was always there to save her child before she got really hurt. 

"Lily,are you ok?"

I'm fine. That many Bloos are a little overwhelming.

"I can see where you're coming from. But perhaps it won't be so bad." 

Wilt was a little doubtful of his statement. Lily smiled a little, hoping that he was right. Sadly enough, he was wrong. Days before the Ice Charades, many of the Bloos were pulling pranks on everyone. At breakfast, one of them put a whoopie cushion on the chair that Duchess was going to sit on. Everyone ended up being a target, even Mr. Herriman, albeit he did not understand the prank phone call. Although she will admit, the 100 part harmony that they did of the Ice Charades song was pretty good.

"Co cococo cococococo cocococococo co." Coco whined.  Lily nodded.

I do get it. One Bloo is enough. This many is too much. 

"Hey girls. How are you feeling today?"

"Cococo coco cocococooo!" Coco was still a little mad about her being a target of the Bloos.

"Don't worry girls. This will blow over soon." 

Throughout the day, Lily stayed with Wilt. She felt safer with him, since she didn't want to be involved with the way too many Bloos.

"So what do you want to do?" Wilt asked as Lily floated next to him eye level. Lily thought for a few seconds.

Play outside?

"That sounds like a good idea. How about I teach you to play basketball?" Lily nodded. She was interested to learn. Maybe then, she can join everyone when they played, as opposed to her tea parties and gymnastics. They were outside while Wilt explained all the rules to her.

"You got it?" Lily nodded.

"Ok then. Let's practice shooting it into the hoop ok?" Lily smiled and nodded. She focused on what she wanted to do. She aimed and shot the ball. It missed and hit the backboard. With a little 'oof', she took a half a step back. 

"Maybe a bit too much force." Lily nodded again, this time a little red. "You want to use your wrist. Don't worry so much on having it in the hoop. Aim a little higher to have the ball come down and fall into the basket." Lily nodded once more, trying to remember how Wilt would always shoot the ball. She attempted and the ball circled around the rim of the hoop and fell out.

"You almost had it! Way to go Lily!" Wilt cheered. Lily smiled, proud of her little accomplishment. They played a little while longer. Wilt still had a burning question.

"Um... Lily?" She turned to him and nodded. "I've been meaning to ask you a question for a while now. I haven't been able to ask you since it's a personal question." She nodded, giving him permission to ask his question. "How is it you can talk?" Lily was not expecting that. She wasn't ready to tell anyone. She floated to him and whispered lowly, in case of anyone overhearing.

"I can't tell you just yet."

"It's ok, but please remember Foster's do not pass judgement on anyone who comes through those doors. You can always tell me anything you have your mind on." Lily smiled sadly and nodded. They went inside, only to hear that the many Bloos were going to be in the Ice Charades as a blueberry. Well, if it worked, it worked.

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