Meeting new friends

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Lily walked out with a pad and paper and Mr. Herriman. He hopped alongside her and met Wilt who was sitting in the clock room right outside of Herriman's office. She wrote something to Mr. Herriman.

'So I ask Frankie if I can go out to go get a whiteboard?' 

"Yes. It is better than buying a chalkboard or using a pen and paper. I will admit that it is quite useful, in your case. Now that all of that is done, Master Wilt can take you to the Dining hall for breakfast. Master Wilt, you may go with Mistress Lily. I am off to do my rounds, now. Good day." He hopped off and left the two. 

"Well, he did say we could go. Shall we?" Lily nodded. She follows him, but somewhat jogs to catch up with him. Wilt notices. "Oh I'm sorry. Am I going to fast for you? I could pick you up, so you don't have to run to catch up. If that's ok with you." She nodded with relief and sighed, happy that she doesn't have to run. Wilt bends down on a knee and has his arm behind Lily as he scooped her in his arm. He noticed that she was light. Very light. Lily uses her hands to stabilize herself by putting them  on his shoulder. "I'm sorry. Are you ok?" She nods. 

The duo head down the countless hallways to the dining hall and Lily was attempting to memorize where to go.

"Wilt!" The tall red friend turned and saw his three roommates and friends. There was Eduardo, Coco and Bloo. They walked up to Wilt and Lily. 

"Oh. Hey guys."

"Co cocococo co coco."

"Sorry. I was heading down to breakfast first and Frankie asked me to show Lily where the dining room is and to take her to Herriman's office. She's officially here to stay." Wilt says.

"Co. Coco cococo coco. Co Coco. Coco" Lily tilts her head and looks at Wilt. She wrote her question.

'What did she say?'

"Oh. She said her name was Coco and hi." Wilt answered her. "Let me introduce you to the rest. The big purple one is Eduardo. He may seem scary, but he is the nicest and least scary friend here."

"Oh senora. Tenía tanto miedo cuando te llevaba en y usted era muy frío. But now I'm happy that you are ok." Lily knew it was Spanish. From what she can tell from the last one, he must have been scared because of me and something else, but as long as he's happy, she didn't worry much, so she just gave a small smile.

"As you can tell, Eduardo can speak Spanish. And finally, the last one is Bloo."

"Yeah yeah. Can we go to breakfast now? I'm huuungryyyyyyyy." Bloo whines. Lily rolls her eyes. She can tell he always act this way and has seen and heard more than enough kids whine to their parents like Bloo.

"Ok Bloo." They all walked to the dining room and when they entered, Lily wondered how many friends are there. The dining room was a grand reddish color and in the middle was a really long table. There was so many chairs that Lily didn't even want to count. Wilt slowly put Lily on the floor and saw that she was amazed at the size of the room. She looked like she was going to jump up and down in excitement. Lily was sort of. Her kid created her to be a nonsensical part of her life and to be unique like all the Wonderland characters. Unfortunately, Lily was made with the desire for a Mad Hatter level of a tea party and the table was perfect. Fortunately, Lily was also made with a voice of reason, so she was able to control herself.

Lily sat down next to Wilt and Bloo sat on the other side of Lily. Bloo looked at Lily and decided to ask questions to satisfy his curiosity.

"Sooo, Lily," Lily looked over at Bloo and waited for him to finish his sentence. "What's with the notepad?" Lily wrote her answer on paper until Wilt told him. 

"Oh that's for her to talk, Bloo. Lily isn't able to talk."

"Oooooh. Why?" Lily shrugged. She could, but she didn't see a need to talk anymore. Why? Well, we're not there yet are we? The readers will just have to wait.

Frankie began to serve out everyone's breakfast and smiled when she saw Lily. She really liked the mishmash of Wonderland. She thought it was really cool. Lily was almost like a sign to that there is always room for nonsense in everyone's lives because of her Wonderland-esque appearance. And she was cute.

"Hey Lily. You got everything all right?" Lily nodded and wrote down in her little handy notepad.

'Mr. Herriman wants me to go with you on your errands so I can get a whiteboard.' Frankie read it as she set Coco's breakfast in front of Coco.

"*mumbles as she reads the note* Ok. We'll go tomorrow. I'll let you rest today and I don't have much, except chores. I'll see you later, Lily." Lily waved to Frankie and saw what was in front of her. Frankie had given her a plate of a usual breakfast: eggs, bacon, and toast.

'Hmm' Lily thought. She was thinking on something she was missing. 'Oh.' Lily took off her hat and got out a pastel light blue teapot that was already full of hot tea. Her brightly covered tail grabbed a matching teacup from out of nowhere behind her and began to pour herself Unbirthday tea. She was about to eat when she felt eyes staring at her. Wilt, Bloo, Coco, and Eduardo were staring the whole time she prepared herself tea. Lily ignored it as much as she could and ate with reckless abandon, but had controlled herself. She is partially a  queen and royalty must be poise. 

After breakfast, Lily got her dishes and went to the kitchen to put her dishes away. She separated her teapot and cup away from the plates. She simply threw the teacup behind her without looking where it landed, knowing it was just going to disappear. Lily got the teapot and just filled the pot with water. She saw Wilt come in to put his dishes in the sink.

"Oh hey Lily." Wilt says with a smile, that Lily returned. "I was wondering if you would like a tour and to meet all the friends here. The others and I would like to be the one to show you around If that's ok with you." Lily nodded, but wrote a question on the notepad.

'Wilt why are you so nice and apologetic?' Wilt read the question and just shrugged.

"I don't know. It just feels good to do something nice for everyone and I don't want to be rude to anyone. I apologize in case I accidentally offend someone I didn't mean to." Lily nodded.She wrote yes for the tour and Wilt's smile grows. "All right then. Come on. Let's go meet up with everyone else." Wilt opens the door and lets Lily go before him. Lily wondered...

'Does he do anything for his sake?'

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