The Falling Crumbs

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Wilt went to go see Lily on his break. He noticed how annoyed she was with Bloo, but he also noticed she wasn't 100% there. He saw a bit of puffy eyes.

"Lily? Can I come in?" 


He went in and only saw her room. She saw the little touches she put in it. She had mushrooms as a table and chairs. Everything was usually in its place since Mr. Herriman did inspections, but now was different. Everything was scattered, but organized. Organized chaos? She wasn't in bed, but he had a sneaking suspicion that she was in the giant teapot. It really was big. It did match her. It was plain white with black around the bottom. The black played out as silhouettes of Alice, The March Hare, and The Mad Hatter running through a scenery of Wonderland. He gently knocked on the pot.

"It's Wilt. I'm sorry if you said 'no' when I asked to come in, but to be fair, I couldn't tell."


A paper airplane came out of the spout.

It's fine.

"Look. Uh," He rubbed his neck. " I know Bloo was being overbearing in the kitchen, but I'm sure he didn't mean to." He might have lied on that last part. "I saw how angry you were and wanted to see if you were ok. You seemed a bit upset when you came in the kitchen. I'm sorry, but can I ask why? Maybe talking about it will make you feel better." 



The lid from the tea pot moved. A paper airplane came through.

Hop in. 

He jumped grabbed the top and brought himself up there. The teapot was empty, except with one Lily inside with a stack of papers, a blanket nest and a pillow. 

"Excuse me. Pardon me." The teapot was big enough to fit him. He bought his legs in a little, but was still pretty big.  

"How are you feeling?"

"....fine." Wilt's eye widened. She talked!

"Come on Lily. I know you don't feel that way. You can tell me, right?" Lily looked at him. He noticed her hat was off of her head and was laying by her pillow. 

"I can, but... it's just......Bloo rubbed me off the wrong way and I didn't like it." Wilt listened. "I also told Madame Foster about me talking. Telling her my story just bought everything up. I would think about it when I was here yes, but I never had to hear myself out loud. Things always sound worse when you say them out loud." Lily sighed and hugged her knees closer to her body. "With that and Bloo, I just fell apart.... Does that make.... me a bad person?" Wilt said nothing, but he hugged her. It sounded like it's what she needed. 

"It's ok to feel frustrated. It must have been hard for you to tell her whatever your story. It's fine to be mentally exhausted from that. I'm sorry, but I will admit that Bloo is too much for me sometimes. It doesn't make you bad to feel this way after that." Lily looked at him, smiling at her, trying to assure her of her concerns. "Tell you what. Whenever you wanna talk to me, you can," He picked up a little paper frog. "carry this little guy with you. That can show me you want to talk." He placed it in her hands. She stared at it and teared up. Wilt began to panic. Did he doe something wrong? "Oh! I'm so-"

He was cut off by a hug. Lily wrapped her arms around his neck and rubbed her cheek against his. He hugged her back and smiled. He was glad to help others, but with Lily, it was something more. 

"Thank you Wilt. For everything since I've been here."

"Anytime for you, Lily. Oh I gotta go back. Bloo is probably mad that I haven't gotten back from my break."

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