The bet

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This is just a side story. It's the bet when Lily had to fix her watch.

Lily smiled as she remembered what day it was. It was the day that Bloo had to be died pink and eat the boogers in Sloppy Mo's nose. She giggled and popped out of her giant teapot. Her tail wagged in excitement and she got ready for the day. She donned her usual blue dress and her apron. With her top hat on top of her head and her white rabbit ears preened and nicely floppy as ever, she smirked at her day's missions. 

She walked out of her room to go find Frankie. Everyone had smiled and greeted her as she came out. They all heard of the bet between the Wonderland girl and Bloo and that Bloo lost. She smiled at everybody and waved. Jackie Khone called out to her as she practically glided through the halls with the grace and poise of the Red Queen. She stopped and watched as a  one-foot-tall, one-eyed gree stick figure with tiny arms and legs came up to her side.

"Hey Lily. I heard was the day for your bet." She nodded. "Apparently no one knows the bet results. What does Bloo got to do?" She smirked as she wrote out her response. 

You will have to wait and see. Tell everyone to meet at foyer at 11. 

"You got it, Lils." She smiled and thanked him with a nod of her head. The girl kept getting the same questions and it was always the same answer. She found the teen girl that she went out to find in the kitchen. She poked Frankie on the side, causing the girl to yelp. 

"Oh, hey Lily! Ready for today?" 

Yep. I needed to ask if  there was a metal tub for the first half of the bet.

"Oh right! You said you were going to dye Bloo pink. I got the dye in my room. Just go in and grab it.  As for the metal tub, I think there is some in the garage. I can't wait to see what the second half is!" Frankie squealed. Lily giggled and put her index finger to her lips. 

Just come to the foyer at 11. 

"You got it! Later, Lily!" 

After that, she went to wait for the dining room where she saw Wilt and the others sitting waiting for breakfast. She walked over to Wilt and poked his leg. 

"Oh! Good Morning Lily."

"Buenos dias, Liliro!"

"Cocococo cococo coco."

"Hey Lil."

Good morning everyone. Bloo, are you ready for the day?

"What do you mean?"

Today is the day I get to dye you pink and you have to eat Sloppy Mo's boogers.

"That's today?!"

"Yeah Bloo. We already postponed it once already. You said today." Wilt reminded Bloo.

"But come on! We're about to eat!"

Obviously not now, Bloo. At 11. Mac should be here by 11, so he can help you. After breakfast, I get to color you.

"Fine. But you own me."

"Cococo co cococococo coooo coco cocococo."

"Coco's right. You're the one who lost the bet though." Wilt explained.


If it will make you feel better, the dye will only last for three days.

"Fine. But I will say this, you picked out really good ones." Bloo complimented. It wasn't often that he knew anyone who could pick out something so disgusting to do. Only one he knew who would was Mac. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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