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I'm not creating problems." Amber walked towards him for what seemed like the millionth time that night, trying to hide the scowl on her face. Things were fine. They were more than fine. Things were great between her and her dance partner so to be in this little tiff with him felt strange and Derek noticed her discomfort right off the bat.

"You are. You're creating...with your body..." he mumbled and trailed off instead of choosing to be direct with her. He carded a hand through his golden locks and held her close to him once more, the frown still very apparent on his face.

"Okay, seriously, what is your problem?" Amber removed herself from his hold and turned around. "It's been like this since last week! I'm tired, you're tired! And you're giving me this ...I don't even know what to call it kind of attitude!" She groaned and marched over to the corner of the studio to rest.

He didn't quite expect her outburst but if he was being honest with himself, he knew he was responsible for it. Since Len's score from last week, Derek had felt a bit uneasy. It wasn't because he doubted Amber's abilities or his own for that matter, it was because for the first time since they started competing, there was a possibility of them going home. Christina was one of the better dancers in the competition and somehow, it wasn't enough to win the votes she needed to stay. That's when reality hit him and that's when he felt the increasing pain in his stomach. He didn't know how to classify it, he didn't know what it meant. It just sucked and surely everyone would be quick to judge him and tease him about him being scared of losing out on a mirror ball but this was more than that.

Derek took a deep breath and walked over to not only his partner but his friend and slid down to sit beside her. He nudged her and flashed his goofiest face. Her roaring laughter followed as always and that sinking feeling went away almost immediately. Somehow, she was really good at that. "I'm sorry. I really need you stick around another week..." He confessed, not entirely sure where the rest of the sentence went.

She composed herself and poked his side, shaking off the anger she felt and pulled herself up. "Alright, Mr. Choreographer, let's do this." Derek was her dance partner but her was also her supporter. He wouldn't put her through this if he didn't think she could do it and it felt great knowing he believed in her that way. "No more fighting?"

His eyes shamelessly traveled to scan her figure and he quickly moved them in a direction less embarrassing when her brown locked his jade ones. "Um. Yes. No. I mean, yeah. No more fighting." he offered her the same easy smile she always inspired in him and once again pulled her into the same hold they were in previously. "Andd...one and two and three...

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