Two's Company, Three A Crowd

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Okay, she's going to be here soon and I can't let anything slip, if I do he'll know. Damn it you can do this! Taking a deep breath Derek tugged at his hair, he could make it through this week. Mark was his best friend and there was nothing to worry about.

"D? You alright?"

Hearing Mark call his name Derek turned around to look at him. "What? Oh, no I'm okay. Just wondering where Amber went to, she was here right before you came in."

"I thought you said she went to the bathroom."

"Yeah, right...the bathroom. I forgot." Derek gave a nervous laugh.

Mark looked at him, what the hell is wrong with him, he thought as he heard him laugh. He watched as Derek ran a hand though his hair, looking at the door. He heard the door open behind him; as he turned he heard his friend take a deep breath. Puzzled he looked closer and could see him beginning to blush. What the fuck? Derek Hough blushing?

"Hey Mark, I hope I didn't keep you guys waiting." Amber smiled at the two men standing in front of her.

"Hey Amber, I only made it here about five minutes ago. But then you're worth the wait. Come give me a hug, I've missed you." Mark smiled down at the petite woman as he wrapped his arms around her. Giving her a tight squeeze, he heard her giggle as she hugged him.

"I missed you too Mark, Derek told me you were out-of-town working another show for the last two weeks. I didn't know you could leave while you were in the middle of the season."

"It was a last-minute deal and since I'm not dancing with Christina they let me go. It didn't hurt that it was one of the producer's friends that I helped." Mark made a face as he explained, making Amber laugh.

"We need to get to work." Derek grabbed Amber's hand and yanked her towards him making her slightly lose her balance. It was bad enough that Mark hugged her but now he was making her laugh. "You guys can flirt later." Derek muttered as he caught her, steadying her as he frowned down at her.

"What did you say?" Amber looked up at him puzzled. "Are you okay?"

Mark was surprised at the way Derek was acting. Hearing what he muttered he was puzzled, he wasn't flirting with Amber. They were friends they always laughed together, she always gave him a hug. Hell she hugged everyone, she was a sweetheart.

"I'm fine, let's get to work." Derek softened his voice as he looked at the woman standing at his side. She was so beautiful, she didn't have all the make-up on or the fancy costume but he loved the way she looked. "Babe, I'm going to show you some of the steps I came up with and we can go from there, okay?" Giving her hand a squeeze he dropped it when he realized he had been holding it.

Mark cocked his head as heard the tone change in Derek's voice. He also noticed that he was holding Amber's hand; rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand. They both were blushing, he coughed to cover his snort of laughter. They both looked at him with a frown. Shaking his head he lifted his bottle of water taking a drink, pointing at his throat. Derek had the hots for his beautiful dance partner, this should be an interesting week!

As the week went on Mark noticed more things about the two. He found out that Derek wasn't the only one crushing. Yep, Amber was crushing just as hard. He noticed that Derek didn't like for him to touch Amber, he had suggested that he would dip her and then Derek that it would look off if only Derek dipped her. Yeah, Derek shot that down quick, they would both dip her together.

Another thing he noticed, Derek touched her a lot. Like every chance he got, his fingers lingered on her shoulder, waist really any part he could touch. Oh Amber wasn't innocent either, she managed to do her share of touching of Derek's body too. Mark chuckled to himself, she only touched him when the dance required it. He also noticed that Derek choreographed steps that put her in his arms. He tried to argue with him, telling him they needed to pass her between the two of them. Shit if looks could kill he would be dead now, just thinking about it had him laughing.

They had all the steps worked out and Mark had to admit the dance was great, the two of them worked great together and Amber was a dream to work with. Going through the steps again Mark glanced out of the corner of his eye to check if what he had seen throughout the week was really happening. Yep, it was, Derek's hand was moving higher and higher up Amber's thigh. Mark smirked, he moved his higher to see how Derek would react. Oh shit he just got major side-eye from both of them! Keeping his face blank he smiled and eased his hand down.

Derek called rehearsal for the day, as he walked Amber over to get her things he couldn't help but to rub her back as he talked to her. Damn, it was getting so he couldn't keep his hands to himself.

"What will you be doing tonight babe? Still going to sing at the charity event?" Derek stared down at her, loving how she always seemed so shy at times.

"Yes, will you still be able to make it? I mean that's if you don't have anything else to do." Amber could feel herself began to blush. Why did this man make her feel like a school girl?

"I'll be there, w-would you like to get something to eat afterwards? But only if you want to. I'll get you home and in bed before you know it. OH SHIT, I didn't mean it like that! I meant you in your home and your bed and me in mine." Derek was bright red by now, Smooth Hough, smooth!

Mark listened to the conversation and face-palmed, he had second-hand embarrassment for his bro. He hadn't seen him like this since they were in high school.

"I know what you meant, Der." Amber reached up and rubbed his shoulder. "I already fixed something for after the show, would you like to come to my house and eat me. I MEAN EAT WITH ME!" Now it was Amber's time to wish for the floor to open up and swallow her. Oh good Lord she did not just ask this man to eat her out! Shit, that's what happens when your body takes over your mouth instead of your brain!

Derek's eyes almost popped out his head, Mark almost choked on his water and Amber, she just proved that yes, you could see black people blush!

Derek smirked, "I would love to eat...with you."She had no idea the things he wanted to do to her body!

"F-Fine, meet me backstage after I sing, I'm not staying for the show. You can follow me home." With that Amber rushed from the room forgetting to tell Mark goodbye.

Mark cleared his throat, "So you going to eat at the house of Amber tonight?"

Derek threw his shirt at him, "Shut up, don't you have somewhere to go?"

"Nope" Mark popped the 'p'. "This explains a lot."

"Explains what?"

"Why Val is able to piss you off so much. Why you are all over Amber during interviews. Why you motor-boated her on national TV. So, when were you going to tell me you had a thing for the lovely Amber?"

"Val is an ass and touches things that don't belong to him! I'm not all over her and that was part of our dance routine." Derek clenched his jaw just thinking about the other man. "She doesn't even know I like her, tonight I'm going to test the water to see if she is feeling me."

"You gotta be kidding me? She is feeling you, trust me! Just don't act a fool and put your foot in your mouth and you will be good. She's a good woman Derek, don't fuck it up bro."

Derek shot him a grin, "I won't man, and I have no intention of letting Miss Riley slip out of my hands."

"Good, I want to see a smile on both of your faces tomorrow."

"Oh you will, trust me. Mark, do me a favor and keep your hands at her knee or below, hate to have to break your hand." Derek smirked at him as he walked out the room.

Mark shook his head as he laughed, it wasn't his hand that was the problem. If Derek moved his hand any higher they would have a problem during the show. I don't think national TV is ready for that! Mark closed the door, who knew this week was going to be so interesting and informative. Damn, Roughley was cannon!

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