Chapter 2

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In the morning, I shower and get dressed.

"Hey" Alex says, she just woke up.

"Hi" I say. "How'd you sleep?" I ask.

"Fairly well. What about you?" She says, rubbing her eyes.

"I slept pretty good" I say, then sit down on the couch, and yawn. I didn't sleep well at all. I had a nightmare.

This is how it went: I was in an alley, and I heard Alex scream. I tried to run, but didn't know where her voice was. I called out to her, but heard only a scream in response. Then I saw her. She was laying there, lifeless, and I woke up crying.

I shook the dream away.

"You didn't sleep good, did you" Alex said, sitting up.

"What makes you think that?" I ask. How did she know?

"I could see it. And I heard you in the night" she says. I look down.

"I slept fine" I say, choking back a yawn.

"No you didn't. I heard you. You had a nightmare" She confirms, and I lace my hands together.

"What did you hear?" I ask.

"You were calling my name, like you were in pain. Is everything okay?" She asks, getting up and sitting by me. I straiten up, and look at her.

"Yeah. Everything is fine" I lie, and she sees it. I bite down on my lower lip.

"Don't lie to me Tobin. Tell me what's wrong" She said, putting her arm around me.

"I had a pretty bad nightmare about you" I finally say.

"What did you see?" She asks.

"You were hurt pretty bad. I'm pretty sure you died" I sighed, shaking my head.

"Aw Tobs I'm fine. Don't worry about it. It was just a dream" she says.

"It felt so real" I said. And it's true. I couldn't go to sleep after three in the morning. I just layer there, and stared at the ceiling.

"It's okay. It wasn't real. I'm still here" Alex placed her head on my shoulder, and I suppressed a sigh.

Just then my phone buzzed in my pocket.

"It's from the team" I said out loud.

"What does it say?" Alex asked.

"It's says we're going to train with Real Madrid!" I stood up excitedly. "This is amazing!"

"Awesome!" Alex said. "When do we show up for training?"

"In about three hours. We have to get ready and leave!" I said, and darted to grab my training gear.

In a hurry I got ready, and so did Alex.

"Come on baby horse use those long legs!" I called to Alex as we loaded our stuff into the car.

I drove pretty quickly to the stadium, dodging cars as we passed through.

We hurried into the stadium and I saw them. The whole Real Madrid team. I gasped. Alex laughed a little.

"Hey Tobin, Alex!" Carli called us over.

Next thing I knew I was standing next to Cristiano Ronaldo

"This is Cristiano, Cristiano this is Alex and Tobin" Carli introduced us. I shook Cristiano's hand. He grinned at me. I grinned back. Alex looked at me funny.

"Cristiano wants to train with you today Tobin" Carli winked at me.

"I would love that. It would be an honor" I said, and smiled at Cristiano.

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