Chapter 4

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It seemed like forever until the sun came up. So at the crack of dawn I took a shower and changed into sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

I let my hair down, to let it air dry.

I rested on the couch, and my phone buzzed. It was Lauren Cheney.

L: Hey Tobs I heard about your little double date
T:Oh that?
L:yes that
T:that was nothing
L: everyone in the world knows now. It's not nothing

I froze. Everyone in the world?

T:that's a lot of people that know
L:yes. Why didn't you tell me?
T:I was so caught up in the moment. I forgot
L:I understand
T:so that's all?
L: no. Not all. Explain every little thing that happened to you and Cristiano

I laughed.

T:nothing much. He put his arm around me, but that's no big deal
L:that's a big deal! Tobin, you finally have noticed guys and are settling down!
T:whoa whoa all he did was put his arm around me
L:that's the first step
T: Cheney, this kind of stuff doesn't last long. He's really famous and pretty busy
L:he's also hot
T:that too, but that's not my point. He already had so many girls in his life, I'm not sure if he's looking for another
L:Tobin, just make the most of it while it lasts. I got to go. See you tomorrow at training
T:yeah. See ya

I stared at my phone. Lauren was right. I should make the most of it. It's not every day Cristiano Ronaldo is interested in you.

Alex gets up about an hour later, and she looks pretty tired.

"You okay there baby horse?" I ask. She staggers into the bathroom.

"Yup" she says, and slams the door. I hear the shower turn on.

I shrug. She's just tired.

I go onto my Twitter and see a picture of Cristiano Ronaldo and his arm around me.

There was a caption like "future couple?" Twelve thousand retweets. I sighed. Cheney was right. Everyone did know.

I went on my Instagram and saw the same thing. I heaved a breath in.

Alex came out of the shower, and basically fell on the couch, laying down next to me.

"How's you sleep?" I ask.

"Good" she says.

"Are you sure? You look half dead" I laugh a little.

"Okay maybe I slept good after you came in at three in the morning" she giggled.

I smiled, but then my smile vanished when I remembered why I went in her room.

"Lex, why were you crying?" I ask. Alex stares into space for a second.

"Same reason why I was crying before night" She sighed. I bit my lip. Alex smiled at me.

"You're adorable, when you bite your lip like that" Alex said, burying her face in the crook of
My neck.

I sighed as we pressed against each other. I wanted to stay that way for a while.


"Yeah Lex?"

"What's up with you and Cristiano. I mean, do you love him?" She asked.

"I don't know Alex, I mean, I would like to love him, but I know that if I do we won't last that long. I will get my heart broken again" I tell her. It's the truth.

Silence filled the room.

Then my phone rang.

"God my phone rings at the worst times" I groan, and answer it.


"Hi Tobin. It's Cristiano" I hear the heavy accent on the other end.

"Hey Cristiano. What's up?" I say, relaxing a little. Alex is listening in on our conversation.

"Sergio was wondering if Alex was doing anything tonight. He wants to know if she would like to go on a date with him" Cristiano says.

"She's not doing anything, she would love to go, but why didn't he want to ask her himself?" I ask.

"Well, between you an I, he doesn't know, he just thinks he's meeting some random girl. Alex isn't a random girl. He likes her. I'm surprising him" I could feel Cristiano's smile.

"Alex would've to go on a date" I wink at Alex, who frowns at me.

"Good" Cristiano says, and he gives me the address of the place to drop Alex off.

"Okay. I'll see you tonight" I smile.

"See you tonight" then we hang up.

"Tobin Powell Heath. What was that all about?" Alex asks, sitting up, staring down at me.

"Nothing. Just you're going on a date with Sergio Ramos" I tell her, and stand up.

"Tobin" she complains.

"What? You don't like Sergio?" I ask, frowning at her.

"I like him, he's hot, but I just want to do nothing today" She says.

"Alex, I'm helping you out. Plus, Sergio really likes you, from what I hear" I wink at her, and she blushed.

"Fine. I'll go" Alex says. I smile.

"Awesome. I'm sure you will like him" I say.

She rolls her eyes.

"So what do you want to do in the meantime?" I ask.

Alex begins to think.

"How about we call up a bunch of people and go down to the fields?" She suggests.

I nod. So we call up the team, and head down to the fields.

"So Alex, Tobin. What did you have in mind?" Lauren Cheney asks.

"A little pick up game" I say, juggling the ball at my feet.

"Nice. Who's captains?" Cheney asks.

"I was thinking Ashlyn and Hope. Ya know, the two goalies" I say.

Cheney laughs. "I know who they are"

The rest of the team shows up. Hope was last.

"'Bout time you showed up Solo. You're a captain" Carli says.

"Sorry. I got caught up" she puts her gloves on.

I ended up on a team with Cheney and Alex, as well as Carli and JJ. Ashlyn was the goalie.

Carli took a long shot, and it went in just above Hope's head. Hope grumbled something, and Carli high fives us all.

We ended the pickup game at a win, 4-3. After, Alex and I went back to the apartment, because it was an hour until Alex's date. Two hours until mine.

Alex got dressed into a nice red dress, and black heels.

"You look gorgeous" I say, staring at her. She blushed.

"Thanks Tobs" She hugs me. I sigh, and so does she. Is this the end of our love story?

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