In dai Joanah wuz setting at home ande Gawd sed tu hem UMGEE THEE PEEPLE IN NENEVAH AR BAED GO TEL THEME THATE THAY ARE NOT EVEN NICE so Joanah went to the boat dock ande got on thee Olas S.S. ande saild tu Nenevah. Then Joanah sed tu thee king uv Nenevah UMGEE YO AR NOT EVEN NICE NOW GAWD IZ GOING TU DEESTROI THE SITY butt thee king sed NA so Joanah went on thee hill ande sat undr a tree butt at wurm kame ande ait thee tree ande sed NOMS. Thene Joanah sed UMGEE STAHP ande hee desided too go home. But wene hee wuz on thee boat ai bige fishy came ande ait hem butt joanah pooped insid thee fishy (hay, wen you got tu go, yo gott tu go) so thee fishy spit hem on thee shore ande Joanah wente home.
Thee Ende
Written by: Gross
Published by: Mackle