"Daydream Away" (song imagine)

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It was Tuesday, your favorite day of the week, all the boys came over for lunch and you got to see Michael. The bell rang and you rushed to the door and saw Michael with a small tin. "Hi y/n", he chirped. "Hi Michael", you said unlocking the door "what'd you bring?" He walked past you and set the tin on the coffee table "some cookies, I bought them from the store, but I put them in the tin, everyone will think I made 'em." You laughed at the thought of Michael trying to bake cookies, he always preferred other people cooking for him. "Well, since your here, come help me in the kitchen", you said as Michael dragged his feet over to the kitchen. As soon as he walked in you realized that you had left the cake out on the table, and Michael rushed over to grab it. "Cake!? You never said you were making ca-", he was in such a hurry that he tripped over your foot and fell. He grabbed onto the table, but it was just the cheap one you used for parties and the cake fell onto his head. He couldn't stop laughing as he sat on the floor looking up at you. "Forget lunch! Make me the main course!" he said, his voice was cracking from laughing so hard. You sat down "I wish you could see your face right now! You're grinning like a fool!", you could barely contain your own laughter when speaking. Michael scooted closer to you, the frosting was still falling from his hair onto his face "Sorry about the cake y/n, I'll clean it up, go back to doing what you were doing", his smile faded a bit, you could tell he felt bad. "It doesn't matter...we have your fresh cookies anyway! And it also doesn't matter when we get back, okay?" you scooted closer to him as you spoke. Michael looked at you, those green eyes still looked adorable, even with frosting next to them, and then he grabbed both of your hands "y/n, this is going to sound weird, but I want right now to last forever..." You smiled and kissed his cheek "just as long as I'm with you."

I wish you could see your face right now'

Cause you're grinning like a fool

And we're sitting on your kitchen floor

On a Tuesday afternoon

It doesn't matter when we get back

To doing what we do'Cause right now could last forever

Just as long as I'm with you

Michael Clifford Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now