Meet Bella

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Bella woke up at 6:30 that morning, right on the dot. No, she didn't use an alarm clock like most people. It would seem as if she had one built into her brain, waking her up at whatever time she thought of the night before.

Bella was...accomplished in all things.

Except for one thing.


Bella stretched, her back popping and groaned sleepily.

She looked into the mirror like she always did, as if somehow overnights she became at least...acceptable but visibly flinched at the sight of herself.

Let's just say this: Bella didn't have the nicest face.

Well, actually that was probably the understatement of the decade.

Her skin was blotchy and uneven, most likely from sun damage, and her hair thick and greasy. Her dead brown locks were frizzy and disgusting. Multicolored braces were glued to her teeth, making her huge lips look stretched and cracked. She had angular features, so she looked a little like a man. Also, she had green eyes, an unusual trait she had no idea came from.

Unfortunately, she was deadly self-conscious about her eyes, and hid them behind huge, fake glasses.

After staring at herself for three full minutes, Bella shook herself and went to get dressed. She chose a pair of joggers with a huge orange juice stain along the left leg and a wrinkled, loose T-shirt. Yes, she was in high school, so she should probably wear crop-tops and high-waisted shorts, but she was always the conservative one. Plus, she didn't own any of that crap. She absolutely hated it when people wore tight tops that concealed nothing, and booty shorts that made their asses hang out. And boys actually found that attractive?! She was beginning to doubt society.

After pulling her hair into a loose ponytail, she slipped on her huge, black-rimmed glasses and trudged downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning, Bella. Eggs?" Bella's mom, Carla asked. Bella shook her head.

"Uhh, n-no thanks mom. I feel like toast this morning. Eggs make me full and we're having an early lunch today," She lied smoothly.

Carla was well-known in the entire neighborhood, maybe the entire state, for her terrible cooking skills. The eggs in the frying pan were starting to look a bit more like moldy pudding and were emitting a strange smell.

"Aw, that's too bad." Carla pouted playfully. "These eggs were turning out a lot better than usual."

Bella just nodded sympathetically behind her mother's back and unwrapped the loaf of whole-wheat bread sitting on the counter.

"Hey, mom." A voice said from behind them. Bella's sister, Marie approached the two and sat down on one of the bar stools. "What's breakfast today?"

"Eggs!" Carla said cheerfully, flipping what was probably supposed to be an omelet. She placed it on a plate and handed it to Marie. Marie nodded appreciatively, what looked like a genuine smile plastered on her beautiful face.

It was funny. Bella was ugly as hell, but Marie was the worlds top model. Their parent's friends often questioned them about that when they thought Bella wasn't listening.

Marie tucked in hesitantly, finally nodding with approval after a few tentative chews. Bella snorted, opening the toaster oven and buttering the golden-brown bread.

"That's my sweet, baby angel," Carla cooed, looking at Marie like she was the most adorable thing in the world.

"Oh, Mom, no!" Marie complained, swatting Carla's hand away.

Bella felt a twinge of jealousy seeing the obvious pride in her mothers eyes. Sometimes she wished her parents would accept her even if she weren't beautiful like Marie.

"See, you all claim my cooking is worse than eating burnt hair, but look how much my baby girl is enjoying this!"

Marie smiled and rolled her eyes.

Bella looked at the clock, which now read 6:43 and gasped loudly. She put together a small lunch of leftover lasagna, quickly finished her toast, brushed her teeth, put on a pair of beat-up sneakers with a hole in the front and gave her mom a kiss on the cheek. She bid Marie farewell, and was on her bike at 6:55. Yes, she rode her bike to school, but it was only to stay fit. She needed a 4.0 GPA which meant an A in PE, so biking was a good way to save energy/gas and keep strong. Otherwise, her parents would really consider her a failure.

It took about 25 minutes to get to school, and once she got there, she ignored the usual girls that whispered in each other's ears as if she wasn't right there, and the notes that read "ugly fuck, go die." Bella sat in her usual corner on the stairs where she would either draw or read, or sometimes even knit before class started. No one bothered her at this point because everyone knew she was the school's creep, and there had been this rumor going around that she was this perverted stalker that molested girls on the train.

She wasn't sure why people bullied her, but it didn't really affect her. She honestly didn't care what other people thought.

Other than that, it was a rather disturbing rumor, but Bella really just didn't care, so she ignored it. Finally the bell rang and she headed to her first period, English.


English and math went by quickly. She had answered almost every question, which was only to get points for participation.

After math, there was break. Bella took extra slow at this time because what else would she do? No friends to share snacks with, no homework to finish. She had once considered not finishing all the homework every night just so she had something to do during break, but quickly ruled that out as risky and idiotic.

By this time, everyone had exited the class, even the teacher, leaving the room completely deserted. Bella placed her things in her bag slowly and neatly, stalling for as long as possible, pushed in her chair, and shrugged on her backpack.

Then he came in.

He was someone Bella recognized, but couldn't quite place his name. Little did Bella know that he was Jave Jandle, player and hot badboy of Greencity Middle.

Trouble was coming in the form of the school's player.


A/N: Hello people of Wattpad. This is my first story so don't be too judgy on it. Just kidding. Judge it all you like, but don't be too mean. I'm very sensitive. *sniffles* Just kidding. Tell me your thoughts, though. I am very new to Wattpad. As in I-got-the-app-three-days-ago new. So tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, cuz I honestly won't know.
I welcome comments most definitely, especially long, heartfelt ones with lots of thought and encouragement woven into them . *hint* *hint* *wink* *wink*
But I know this first chapter was like super boring. I'm honestly very sorry you had to sit through that, but I doubt anyone's even reading this. I mean, I have yet to be discovered. But don't worry, the next chapter will be better, hopefully.
Recommend to your friends if you liked, and even if you didn't like it, recommend it because who knows? They might like it.
Be a nice person and review and vote. Tanks! U guyz da best!!

Lots of luv,
Rosetta 😘

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