The First Day

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My girlfriend's b*tching 'cuz I always sleep in

She's always screaming when she's calling her friends, she's kinda hot though.

Bella groaned, waking up to 5SOS's hit, She's Kinda Hot.

Yeah, she's kinda hot though... Just a little bit, ity bit hot.

My shrink is telling m--

She pounded on her alarm, way too tempted to snuggle back in the warm comforter and fall into the land of sleep. Then she remembered. It was a school day. School meant students. Students meant Jandle. Jandle meant hatred. Hatred meant revenge. Revenge meant The Plan.

Giggling to herself, Bella threw off the blankets, her bare legs meeting the cool, morning air.

Marie had laid out her clothes already for the day. She donned the white, lace top, and the navy blue pleated skirt with a row of gold buttons along the side. She had gotten the hang of makeup already, and fixed herself up the way Enrique had the day before. Pursing her lips, she looked at herself in the mirror and nodded. She was gorgeous once again. Gorgeous meant Jave would fall in love with her. Jave falling in love with her meant her revenge would be complete. Before she could squeal like a stupid fangirl, Bella calmed herself. She shouldn't get her hopes up. So much could go wrong.

Shrugging on her cute, new bag, she set off to school.

Marie took Bella to school in her Porche, a 918 Spyder. It was a gift from Zeke Framek. Zeke was a race car driver by day, a photographer by night, and Marie's boyfriend 24/7. He happened to have exquisite taste in cars.

Bella felt like that rich girl from the movies. The door was opened by the Chauffeur, and an impeccable black converse shoe stepped out.

She strutted towards the school entrance, captivating every students attention. Oh no. People were actually looking at her. What did she do this time? Did she wear her shirt inside out? Did she use eyebrow pencil as eyeliner?

Then, she saw a group of seniors rake their eyes over her body appreciatively. She did have curves. She wasn't a toothpick that only ate a bowl of salad a day. Bella was in fact proud of her body. She was proud of her shapely legs that seemed never to end. She was proud of her slim waist and round hips. Her chest wasn't flat, but they weren't huge, and spilling out of her clothes.

Then she saw him. Jave Jandle. She remembered the plan. All she had to do was walk past in a way that made him notice her, but not so much that she was cartwheeling by. It was simple, but crucial.

She was prepared. Prepared to shove back the overwhelming feelings he had inflicted on her. Show him what she felt. But when it came time, she couldn't do it. She didn't know why.

Unfortunately, Jave spotted her first. Saved from her momentary distress, Bella walked forward, careful to ignore him and the crowd of girls clinging to him like lovesick puppies.

He was leaning against a wall, one foot flat against it. He had an intense look on his face as he swept a blond lock of hair back.

He was probably trying to look sexy, the damn git.

And he was not failing, if you're asking. The girls squealed, some even snapped pictures, like he was some kind of superstar. Bella could almost swear she saw their eyes morph into hearts as they fawned over him. She frowned in disgust and marched past with her nose in the air, not even sparing him a first glance.

Jave glanced at her in surprise. He obviously thought she would melt to his knees like all those other girls, but she would prove him wrong. Dead wrong.

Upon hearing footsteps behind her, Bella inwardly groaned. Marie had warned her that this would probably happen. It would be the perfect chance for her to start leading him on. But she hated contact. She hated...interacting with people in general.

"Hello, beautiful," Jave's husky voice drawled from behind her. He came up next to her and smirked. Snaking an arm around her waist, he pulled her close and whispered, "you're on my list of things to do tonight,"

What the f***!! Bella was purely and utterly disgusted. Yet she couldn't help the blush that started to rise up to her cheeks. His breath was hot against her ear, and his calloused hand secure around her waist.

Then she remembered he was a man-whore.

The thought calmed her immediately, and she looked at him straight in the eyes, smirking.

"You're asking me to bed and you don't even know my name. I don't sleep with man-sluts," she stated simply, pushing him away. She walked on, a triumphant smile plastered on her face.

That's when reality dawned on her. She nearly stopped in her tracks, horrified with herself. Plan A was officially chucked down the drain, and rotting in the sewer.

A/N: I know, really weird place to end, but I wanted to at least post something today. Also I know this chapter is so short that you probably wanna rip my brains out, but on the awesome side, 150 views you guys!! You guys are the best. Well you know the drill. Vote, comment, share and love!!

Lots of Luve,
Rosetta 🙈🙉🙊

PS: I had no editing done so please comment on any grammatical errors. Thx a bunchies!!!

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