Will You Go Out With Me?

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Bella's first instinct was to run. But then she realized she would look like a fool. Bella contemplated the pros and cons. Well, she would be able to avoid this boy and the trouble that he would bring if she ran. But he might spread even more rumors about her, and she as carefree as she may seem, she did have some pride.

It seemed the cons heavily outweighed the pros, so she stood firmly in place, her body rattling with nerves.

"Hello," The boy smiled a charming, half-moon grin.

"Uh-h-h-hiiiiiii..." Bella stuttered, her eyes flicking to the ground. Reaaal, smooth. The boy stared at her for the longest time, and it finally hit her.

He was just here to make fun of her...facial issues. Bella glared at him through her glasses.

"Okay, you've seen me. Get the hell away from me," She pushed passed him, but was careful not to touch him. She wasn't fond of physical contact...at all.

Bella caught a glimpse of his face before scurrying away, and saw bewilderment, confusion and surprisingly, determination.

"Wait!" He called out. Bella turned around slowly, letting out an exasperated sigh, but was really planning possible escape routes if he was planning on attacking her.

She remembered she had a few bobby pins in her hair, so she could poke his eyes to distract him and make a run for it.

"What do you want?" She asked, rolling her eyes, trying her best to look bored.

"I-uh-I... Haha, this is gonna be harder than I thought," He mumbled, blushing madly.

"Just spit it out already," Bella snapped, acting like a mean girl. The boy was taken aback; it was written all over his face.

"Uh, okay. Ohhhhkay. Here goes... Ilickyuwudyugoutme?"

Now Bella was downright confused. did he have some speaking disorder that he needed to get treated?

"Excuse me?"

"Well, I like you," he said, stressing every word to make his point. "Would you go out with me?"

Bella blinked. And blinked again. And again.

A full minute passed, and the boy was fidgeting like crazy. Bella snapped from her daze and nodded slowly.

"Uhhhh, yeah." A slow smile spread across her face. "Yeah!"

But why would such a cute dude ask her out? Well, probably because there was finally a guy who realized that looks weren't everything; it's the personality that counts. Bella had been waiting for such a guy since she first read Pride and Prejudice in the first grade. He had finally come. Her Romeo...her Mr. Darcy had finally come. Speaking of...

"Wait a second, what's your name?" Bella asked, replaying the conversation in her head... Nope, he hadn't mentioned his name.

"Wait a second, you don't know who I am???" The guy asked, bewildered.

"That's... Probably why I asked you that," Bella said, laughing lightly. But then a more serious thought came into mind. What if this guy had a hearing problem?

He couldn't, could he? Bella cocked her head, examining him carefully.

It wouldn't hurt to find out, would it?

She snapped her fingers in front of his ears, checking for any kind of hearing problem.

The boy stared at her in shock, carefully swatting away her hands.

"Uhhhh, what're you doing?" He laughed nervously, looking at her like she was a lunatic.

"Oh, good, you don't have anacusis or a chronic ear infection." Bella sighed in relief. It would do her no good if her boyfriend was deaf.

The boy shook himself and ignored her last statement.

"I'm sorry, I just thought that you already knew my name. I mean, everybody knows me...and my name." He laughed silently to himself, which was quite disturbing to be honest. But she could tell he was having a hard time processing the news.

"Well, what is it?" Bella asked curiously.


Finally, Bella thought.

"Wait, you seriously don't know my name?!"

Oh my God. Her patience was running thin. She didn't trust herself to say anything, for it might ruin her relationship. How would it be if her first relationship lasted... She looked at her watch. 3 minutes and 24 seconds and counting.

Bella gave him a pointed look. Break was going to end soon. The boy sighed in exasperation, giving in.

"Fine. It's Jave. Jave Jandle.

"Nice to meet you Jave," Bella smiled, holding out her hand as he cringed. It seemed she would have to work on her smile.

"You too, Bella." He shook her hand awkwardly, and she left, a huge grin on her face.


A/N: I honestly don't know why I write these. It's not like anyone's gonna read them. Anyway, if in some miracle, there is someone reading this, please recommend and comment. I adore comments as usual.

Lots of luve,

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