The Bet

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"Did you do it?" A boy with a fringe asked, leaning against the concrete wall. He rolled an unlit cigarette between his fingers and spoke in a British accent.

"Of course," Jave sighed in mock exasperation. "do you really doubt my skills?" He added smartly, crossing his arms. "I honestly thought you knew me better than that, Mark."

"Oh. Well I thought maybe this time you'd break." Mark shrugged, placing the cigarette in his mouth. He grabbed his wallet from his back pocket and rummaged through the folds.

"How much was it this time?" He asked, glancing up at Jave. Jave threw him a lighter which he caught with ease. "Fifty big ones, boy." Jave smirked, holding out an expectant hand.

Mark nodded slowly, his blue eyes searching Jave's face for hints of lying, but found none. He sighed in exasperation, smacking the wad of cash into Jave's hand.

"Fine, you've won this time," Mark said, then grinned. Jave knew that grin. "Fancy another wager?"

"Depends," Jave said, counting the bills in his hand.

"Sure, you've asked the troll out, but do you think you can make her say those magic words?" Mark waggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Wait, a second, scratch that. Don't think of this in that awful way your mind functions, Jave."

Jave laughed, pocketing the money.

"I'll take you up on that bet. Same amount, right?"


"And we're talking about 'I like you' right?"

Mark nodded vigorously.

"Just making sure we're on the same page. Easiest fifty bucks of my life," Jave shook his head.

"I don't know about that, Jave. She seems like a tough nut to crack." Mark smirked. "I think you'll be the one paying up."

"I don't know... You haven't seen me in action," Jave smirked. "With my pheromones and undoubtedly hot face, a simple touch on the back, or a blow in the ear will make a girl weak in the knees."

Mark rolled his eyes so hard, it was a wonder how they didn't roll right out of their sockets.

"Alright, mate, but don't go crying to your mother for $50 to pay up for a bet you lost."

"I highly doubt that will happen."


"Bella!" A vaguely familiar voice called from behind her. She turned around to see a boy running towards her. Who was he?... Oh! That's right, Jandle! Jave Jandle. The morning events rushed back to her and Bella felt her cheeks heat up.

Jave walked up next to her, brushing his hand against hers. It was a trick Jave had learned eons ago, hinting you liked the girl and wanted to hold her hand.

"Oh, sorry. Can you keep your hands to yourself?" Bella asked, a bit embarrassed. "I don't like it when people touch me."

"Oh, no problem," Jave replied meekly.
She was definitely a hard nut to crack.
"Anyways, I was thinking, when should our first date be?" He asked casually, flicking an imaginary piece of lint off his jacket.

Bella's head snapped towards him.



"As in we get together to get to know each other?!"


"Like a dinner or something?"


"Would you for once stop saying 'yeah' and..." Bella halted, knowing how much of a pain she sounded. "Never mind. So what should we do?"

"I was thinking about a movie." Jave suggested. "How 'bout it?"

Bella contemplated. She had seen way too many TV shows and read too many books about kissing in the movie theatre. She sooo wasn't ready for that yet. But to reject her boyfriend so early on in their relationship?

"Sure, but when?"

"Friday night?"

"Can't. I've got...a thing." Bella said, shifting nervously. She actually had to be there for her sister's photoshoot. Yes, her sister was a model. Not just any model, but the most well known one in the world.

Jave looked at her suspiciously.

"Well, when are you free then?"

She sighed, taking out her phone. She looked at her calendar and knitted her eyebrows.

"Hate to break this to you, but I have absolutely no time... Wait, okay!"

"I have three hours before church on Sunday!"

"Yes! What time?"

"In the morning?" Jave joked, chuckling.

"Well, yeah! When else? In the afternoon?" Bella laughed like it was the most absurd thing in the world.

Jave's smile froze on his face, and his eyes widened.

"Wait a sec-"

"Oh, shoot. I have to get home and cook dinner. Otherwise my Mom will cook and," Bella sighed sadly. "Nothing good will come out of that."

"Well, then where's your parents?" Jave asked. The parking lot they were standing in was deserted.

"I ride my bike," Bella said, scurrying towards the bike racks.

"Really? How far is your house from here?" He asked, catching up to her as she unlocked the sleek, blue bike.

"5.34729 miles," she said indifferently. "Nothing drastic."

Jave felt his jaw drop, and before he could say anything, Bella had hopped on her bike.

"Well, nice meeting you, Jace!" She smiled and was off, her ponytail whipping behind her.

Why her? Jave mentally asked Mark.


A/N: It's a short chapter - again. But don't bail on me. I've got the date coming up tomorrow! By the way, Jace was not a typo. Just so ya know...
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Lots of Luve,
Rosetta 😑

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