You Can Have Him

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Bella blinked.


She blinked again.


And again.


"WHAT?!" She jumped up from the couch and looked at Piper, waiting for the giggles or the 'I'm kidding!'

But they never came.

"B-but, you h-hate, no! I mean, it's just, Jave Jandle, and y-your dad! The bet! M-money, can't happen WHAT?! You can't--"

"Calm girl, no need to freak," Piper said in a knowing voice.

"Don't you fucking 'calm girl' me! This can't happen! He's gonna hurt you! I can't let you get hurt!" Bella shrieked, grasping her friend's hands.

"Don't worry about me, I'm a tough girl!"

"Okay...okay..." Bella muttered to herself, desperately trying to gain composure.

"Are you okay? That was quite a reaction."

"Y-yeah. Just, just tell me what happened."

"Well our dates have been so sweet. He's such a gentleman. He opens doors for me, gives me a jacket when it's cold, pays for all our dates and he's a great listener. And once, he hugged me and I don't know what happened it was just amazing!" Piper gushed, a dreamy look in her eyes.

Bella couldn't help but feel a slight pang of jealousy upon hearing the petit girl's words. Jave had never done those things for her. They had never hugged or whatever.

"I felt secure. Like those cheesy romance books? Some things in there are legit and I know how it feels. I just miss him every day and when I don't see him I get worried and he's so perfect in every way."

Then she sighed, the smile that lit up her eyes gone and replaced with a confused frown.

"I know I've tried everything to be the perfect girlfriend..." Piper looked up at Bella. "But he doesn't love me back. I can tell. When he's with me he's not thinking about me. I'm right in front of him, but I can tell it's not me he wants and it hurts like a bitch."

Bella said nothing, just wrapped her arms around Piper's small frame and squeezed.

"Also," She continued, her voice muffled by Bella's shoulder.


"I know who he's thinking about when we're on our dates. I know where he'd rather be. I know she's an amazing person. My best friend in fact. I know who he's in love with. And it's you."

Bella quickly released the girl, confusion etched all over her face.


"When I bring up your name, his face lights up, then he has this relaxed smile and he finally pays attention.

"He talks nonstop about you, sometimes they're bad things but I see him blush when he says them."

"But I--"

"Do you like him back?"

The question took her by surprise. Did she like Jave? She couldn't. He was a jackass. But...

"No. I don't." She stated firmly. But somehow saying it felt...wrong. It may have just been her imagination.

"Good because I love him so much," Piper sighed, frustrated.

"Are you sure?" Bella asked. As long as Piper was happy... "Because I know you can do better. He's a terrible person in real life he may be playing you and I don't want you to get--"

"He's not like that." Piper stated, her voice firm and cold. "He may have been like that to you, but to me, he's the sweetest guy in the world. You don't know him."

The words took her by surprise.

"Excuse me but I've known him longer than you--"

"What does it matter? I'm sorry I love him but that's that. I can't do anything about it!"

"As long as you're sure."

The two sat in comfortable silence for a while, until Piper broke it.

"I want to ask you a favor."


"Give Jave to me."


"He loves you. I can see it written all over his face when I'm right in front of him. I'm trying to do everything I can to make him happy, and yet he's still not. It's never happened before. I used to have to tell boys to fuck off but the one boy I like...I-I can't have because he's in love with my best friend. It's just so frustrating knowing that I can make him happy but he doesn't choose me." Then the tears came. She didn't start bawling like normal people, it was a single tear, the streak of water marking a path down her cheek.

"I'm in love with him and it hurts that he isn't in love with me."

Bella's heart ached at Piper's words. But she didn't want to give Jave to her. She didn't want Jave to fall in love with her. She didn't want to see her best friend and the love of her life smiling together, exchanging presents and kissing. She didn't want to see them hug or snuggle.

Wait. The love of her life? No. He's a fucking jackass that used her. She didn't like him much less love him.

"You can have him."

A/N: I updated. I'm really frickin tired right now so yeah.

Btw check out my friend Megan's account:


Shes super awesome and she should have a story there that's super awesome.

Anyway.      Comment vote share and all that jazz🎷🎺🎤🎹

Lots of Luve,

Sorry only 881 words.

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