Chapter 3: Rainchecks

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Chapter 3: Rainchecks

Abbey's POV

"So what do you do?" Liam asked. His locks of hair fell over his eyes, making him seem more like that adorable little puppy. He's easy on the eyes too, which sort of adds to the puppy image with his plaid shirt and light brown hair.

"I'm studying photography, at uni. What are you guys doing?"

"Well um... We're... um... here I guess." Niall shrugs, his blonde hair all messed up from running his hands through it. I'm surprised it's not falling out.

"Oh. Do you guys wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure." Zayn says.

"Okay we have.... 21 Jump Street anyone?" I announce.

"Yes! Yes yes yes!" Louis called, running in. I popped the DVD in and pressed play, snuggling up to Louis on the couch . He wrapped his arm around me, and threw a blanket on us.

It started playing and Channing Tatum came into view. "That sexy bastard." I mumbled. I felt eyes burning into my head.

"Hey um, Harry what time is it?" I ask.

"Like, 5:30." He said. Half an hour and then I can go study. Half an hour. You can make it..

"So do you guys like Louis?" I ask, Louis softly snoring on my shoulder.

"Yeah, we love him." Zayn smiled. "He's lucky to have you"

"Thanks." I smiled, heat circulating my face. "Any plans for the band and later on?"

"I was gonna rent a flat with Louis actually." Harry says in a matter-of-fact tone that just bugged me beyond belief.

"Oh, really?" I asked. When was he going to tell me this? Harry's cold glare started making me uncomfortable than I already was, while Louis nuzzled his head into my neck, holding me close. "Lou. Louis." I said softly, moving.

"Don't go." He mumbled into my neck, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"I-I think I... I have to study." I stuttered.

"Please stay." He says softly, holding me tighter in his strong arms.

"I've gotta go Louis." I said, sliding from underneath him. He groans, falling asleep. His hand was linked with mine still. I untwined my fingers with his, leaving them next to him.


I walked up to my room, and started packing my bag. I walked downstairs, and he was awake. "Hey Abbey, where are you off to?" He asked.

"Just to the cafe. Gotta study for my Chem test." I said, kissing his cheek.

"Bye, I'll be there soon okay?" He tells me, already starting to pack away

"Okay. Bye." I said, shutting the door.

I left for the little cafe up the road, getting a mocha as soon as I got there. I studied for my exam, sipping on my drink. It was starting to close up shop, so I got my coat, packed my stuff and left.

To Louis:

Hey come pick me up? Why didn't you come?

From Louis:

I'm so sorry, I forgot. The guys wanted to stay.

To Louis:

It's fine.

From Louis:

Take a raincheck?

To Louis:

Sure, just pick me up.

From Louis:

Okay be there soon

So I stood out in the cold snow, waiting for him. It soon became dark, so I decided to walk back.

I picked up my mail, and kept walking. When I got home, I found them playing Skyrim. "Abbey!" Louis exclaimed.

"Where did you go?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"Oh my god Abbey, I completely forgot I'm so sorry." He rambled, reaching for me. I step back.

"Don't worry.." I said, walking up to my room. Quite calmly for a change.

"Abbey? Can we talk?" He calls.

"No." I mutter, shutting the door.

"Abbey!" He calls after me. I heard his feet pound against the floor.

"Mate just leave her" Harry groaned.

Yeah, listen to him.

I opened a letter from the university. I opened it cautiously, reading it carefully. It turned out to be that little bit of funding my class needed for an extensive research program for the trip.

Louis ignored Harry, and pounded on my door."Abbey, come out, please?" He asked. He came in, and sat next to me.

"Louis, I'm going away for 12 months. I-I was going to tell you at the cafe but you stood me up." I explain to him, playing with the corners of the letter.

"What? Abbey, is it because of me?" He asked in worry.

"No Lou. I've been offered a photography and scenery tour around the world. Lou, I'm gonna go to Paris and New York and Bali and Rome." I sigh in content, happy that I'll finally get the research I need..

"I'm so happy for you babe. I'm sorry about everything" he smiled, kissing my cheek. He went downstairs and asked the guys to leave before coming up with a pack of lollies. We lay there for awhile, talking about our futures and eating, until we fell asleep.

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