Chapter 2: Well Hello There

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Abbey's POV

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring. I looked at it, and my eyes widened.

"SHIT!" I shouted, the clock read: 8:45am. I need to be there now! I ran into the bathroom Louis and I shared, quickly showering. My black hair rested on my shoulders, and I got dressed into a pair of black jeans with a white Ed Sheeran shirt. I got my iPad and notebooks, and ran downstairs.

Louis was at the table, eating a piece of toast. "What's wrong Abbey?" He asked with a mouth full of cereal.

"I'm late, so very late!" I muttered, grabbing an Up & Go from the fridge. I got my coat, swinging open the door to meet the cold London air. "Bye Lou! See you tonight!" I called, rushing out like the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland.


"Lou, where are you?" I groaned. It was 4:30 already, half an hour late.

To Louis: Don't worry about picking me up anymore. I'll grab the train.

From Louis: Abbey I'll come and get you, I'm so sorry.

To Louis: I'm catching the train Louis. It's freaking cold out here.

Freaking hell. He forgets me, out in the snow. Great friend, hey? I got on the train, looking through twitter.

From Louis: Just... Watch out for weirdos, please? I'll get you at the station.

To Louis: Fine. I'm going to kill you Louis William Tomlinson.

@Louis_Tomlinson : @AbbyGlimore please forgive me? The guys are still here

@AbbyGilmore : @Louis_Tomlinson enjoy your last moments of breath, Tommo.

I got off the train, and it was 5:15. I looked around, and found Louis' BMW parked outside. He pulled up, and I hopped in the front, looking out the window.

"Abbey I'm so sorry." He apologised. I ignored him, looking out the window. I wouldn't be mad if it was the first time, but if was the fourth time this week. And I'd had a shitty day with my lectures because an compulsory hour of listening to some film company talk to us about how the lenses are made is so interesting. And then an 1000 word essay due? No thanks.

"It's fine Louis. Just don't do it again okay?" I said lowly, checking the time on my phone as an excuse to look somewhere other than at him.

"Okay. Love you Abster" He said, putting a hand on mine. I still didn't look at him. I didn't want to give in to his sad blue eyes and rosy cheeks.

"Don't ever call me that." I said cooly, as we pulled up into the driveway.

"Ready? The boys are inside.' He said excitedly. "You smile Abbey, or I'll make you." He frowned, then started jabbing my sides.

"Ah! Louis stop!" I said a bit too sharply.

"Come on princess let's go." He said, dragging me inside.

"Louis where where you? We thought you'd ditched" A boy shouted as we walked in, shocking me as I walked through. I walked straight to the kitchen, grabbing a snack bar then running to my room.

"Abbey. Come out." Louis called into the wooden door.

"No!" I shouted. He walked in, threw me over his shoulder.

"Louis!" I groaned, kicking around like a toddler.

"Hello boys. This is my best friend, Abbey. Abbey say hi." Louis said, my feet kicking his chest. He turned around, my nose centimetres away from his ass crack.

"Hi. This is kind of awkward," I chuckled nervously. "Louis, put me down, I'm serious!" I said, blood rushing to my head, pounding. All I could do was groan before he finally put me down on the couch. "Boys. I'm Abbey." I say swiftly, fixing my clothes.

"Hi, I'm Liam." A brunette smiled at me. I waved.

"Harry" The boy with afro-curls smirked.

"Zayn" The dark haired guy said.

"Niall" Blondie grinned.

"I'm Abbey. Nice to meet yo-! Louis Tomlinson, I'm going to kick you so hard you won't have any baby Tomlinsons running around." I growled at him, before storming up to my room.

I sprawled out on my double bed, beginning to read a couple of pages from A Tale of Two Cities. There was a knock at the door, and I threw a pillow blindly at it.

"I'd like you to talk to my friends."

"I know. I don't think they like me." I sighed.

"Why wouldn't they like you?" He asked sincerely, looking at me deeply in the eyes.

I ran a hand through my hair. "Because... I've seen the girls they're dating, and the ones they're friends with, and they're nothing like me. Moody, over-stressed, uni students with no musical or theatrical talent doesn't really seem to fit the criteria," I explain, and he just chuckles to himself. "What?"

"You know nothing about men, Abbey. They'll love you. I know it." Louis said, passing me a jacket and helping me up. I silently agree to go with him. As I walked in, I put on my best fake smile and sat on the couch.


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