Chapter 6 - Love and Lust

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When I woke up, I found myself in a position where my hands were wrapped around his waist while he held my body like a teddy bear. His hair was flopped down onto his face, hiding his long eyelashes. His stubble was tickling my chest while his rugged lips pressed against my neck. The position felt so right that it was wrong. I untangled myself and got out of bed. Louis groaned and rolled onto his back, rubbing his eyes.

"Abbey? What are you doing up?" He said in his gruff morning voice. I pulled a pair of tights on to cover my bare legs.

"I need to go for a drive... Clear my mind a bit."

"I think we need to talk Abbey." He says after a long pause.


"You and I. What happened a year ago."

"We've already talked about it. I'm not talking about it again."

He stands up, shirtless, his pants riding down. He really filled out since last time I saw him... It was weird to see but it suited him rather attractively. His cute belly was gone, replaced by a rock hard stomach. I step backwards as he advances towards me slowly. He doesn't touch me, he knows that I would rip his balls off if he did. But he's still less than inches away from me. "I know you love me. I love you too. And I know I did a lot of bad things that upset you." He whispers in my ear, using that tone that could seduce you into committing a crime.

"You've let me down... Broken my heart... Embarrassed me... I-I don't know if I can take anything else." I murmur softly, as his lips ghost mine, millimeters away. His rough hands finally lay on my hips.

"I love you... I love you..." The words that leave his mouth sound like the holy gospel. Even if he was lying, it would be okay because it was a truth that lied beneath somehow. His charming traits had started to make my thoughts foggy. The only thing that mattered in that moment was him, inches away from me and the urgent want for him to shut up and kiss me. For some reason, his voice sounded like he was trying to convince me at the fourth or fifth time he said it. It didn't sound truthful. It sounded like he was pleading innocent to a crime he was guilty for. The charm of his voice went away as he pulled me close to him. I stayed silent and looked away.

He pushed his lips to mine, a kiss full of lust and urgency. I wrap my arms around his neck as his wrap around my waist, pulling me closer. In the small guest room, the bed was only a few steps away. Our kiss becomes more and more passionate, hands grabbing at each other. He pulled us both back so that I fell onto the bed with him on top of me. His hands rushing up and down my body. I cling to his warm touch in the cold room.

I pulled away. His blue eyes went cold and he dropped his hands from my waist. "W-We can't Louis. I-I can't."

His reaction is delayed by moments. He looks down at me, getting up. He laughed to himself. "Can't have everything..." He shakes his head, putting on his shirt and pulling up his pants. "Do up your shirt." He demands, and I obey, doing up those few buttons. He leaves the room buttoning up his shirt. And then Kendall shows up.

"Abbey, did you sleep with Louis?!" She practically screamed, throwing a bra in my face.

"What?! No!"

"What happened then?"

"He fell asleep next to me... And we kissed... And almost got to third base..." Kendall went almost beet red.

"Oh my god! Are you serious?! Abbey he totally wants to be with you and have little Tomlinsons!" She gushed, holding one of my hands.

"I'm not ready for that kind of commitment, that's the most action I've gotten in years. And we didn't even fuck." I told her, and she nodded.

"So... Louis filled out though didn't he?"

I laugh at my sister, hitting her with a pillow. She just giggled and winked. "Hey, he looked pretty damn hot as he was leaving! Surprising that you didn't jump his boner for you!"

"Oh shut up. Its not like I'd just fuck him because he looks sexy in the morning."

Yeah, you would if you could.


"I, for one, without a doubt would jump his boner." She smirks, and I hit her with a pillow.

"You have a boyfriend!"

Who coincidentally walks in, a sleepy state completed with messy hair and bright eyes. He kisses Kendall and lays on the bed. "Morning ladies." He says with  a stretch.

"Hey Michael." I sigh, laying back on the bed next to him. Kendall does the same and we all end up staring at the ceiling.

"What's up with you and Louis?"

"Long story." I whisper as I trace my lips lightly with my fingertips, the taste of Louis still lingering on my skin. Images of the event run through my mind like a movie, and now I regret saying no. My phone starts ringing, snapping me out of my own thoughts. I grab it before Kendall does and walk out into the hallway. Some part of me hoped to god it was Louis, and I did. "Hello?"

"Abbey? It's Harry."

"Oh... Hey Harry."

"Do you have any idea whats going on with Louis?"

"I-I um... Yeah..?"

"Mind expla-"

"Harry who the fuck are you calling?!"

"Just a friend Louis."

"It better not be Abbey."

"Yeah yeah. So about that cup of coffee? Where are you now?"

"At my sister's, in Doncaster."

"Doncaster? Shit, I'm in London. Well what about we meet at yours tomorrow?"

"Um, yeah. sure."

"Okay, see you soon love."

And he hung up.


And thats Chapter 6! Please please read over the last few chapters because I edited them heavily. And please leave feedback - vote, comment or message me! Or if you want, go to my tumblr and message me there!

The next chapter will be up at 120 reads and five votes

Thanks guys xx

- Ella

Change My Mind - A Louis Tomlinson Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now