Chapter eight

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Luke has been skipping school for amost a week now. We're really worried. Jai told us he's locking himself in his room. He never comes out. Sometimes, He'll only open the door if they hand him his dinner.

All of them tried to get him out of there for past few days. Jia tried to voicemail her. Myrna spammed her on twitter. Nica and Beau has been shouting outside his window. Jai offered him a 'manly' heart to heart talk. But nothing could get him away from there.

"Jai, Can we do anything to get him out of there?" Nica asked

"Well, I don't know. He can't spend his life there forever. I guess all we need to do is wait." Jai answered

Nica sighed, contented. Jai hugged her. We all knew how worried she was. So far, This was thenlongest time they haven't been with each other, thise two are inseparable. "So you guys wanna catch a mivie or something?" I asked, awkwardly breaking the silence.

They all gave me 'what-the-heck' looks. "Okay maybe not." I mumbled.

"Okay, we're gonna fix this." Jai said grabbing my arm

"Huh?" I asked, confused as I pulled my hand away.

"We're all so tired of hiding. We know everything about the both of you. We know that you two dated." Jai explained

"We know it was just a dare." Len added

"We know the the both of you truly loved each other." Nica added

"And we know you still love him." James added

I looked over Nica's direction. "Sorry." I mouthed my words. She nodded.

"And we can't stand it anymore. We love you. We don't want you getting hurt everytime you see Nica and Luke. I know it's hard but you need to let go." Jia said.

I didn't give any response. "Krishna, I'm sorry you have to deal with the both of us everyday but I love him, I really do." Nica said and she gave me sweet smile.

"No, You shouldn't be sorry." I finally said.

"So now, You'll aplogize to him you two should talk about this, no backing up." Len said. I nodded.

"Fine," I said.


I was playing games on my laptop for the past couple of days. It somehow took my mind off what just happened. I guess the boys thought I was proably sleeping or just simply looking at the cieling rewinding what just happened, but no, I wasn't.

I checked the time. I don't even know the date yet. Well, Maybe if I check my phone, I would. I'm losing my sense of time. I could tell it's a weekday since Jai and Beau are no where to be heard.

I took a rest after six hours of playing the computer. I laid into my bed and closed my eyes. I tried to avoid thinking of Krishna but I couldn't so I decided to put my earphones on and play some music.

After a few minutes, Someone knocked on the door. I was about to sleep but whoever this bitch is, stopped it. "What?" I groaned

"We need to talk." Shit, Did I just heard Krishna's voice.

I shrugged. I don't wanna talk to her. All I wanna do is rest.

After I know it, The door was unlocked. Beau unlocked it with a key. "What?" I asked, burying my face into the pillows.

Nica and Jia sat beside me. They threw the pillows away from my face. "What do you want?" I moaned

"Baby, You need to talk to Krishna." Nica said

"No.." I moaned

"If you're not gonna talk to her.." she hesitated. "I guess I'm breaking up with you." She sighed.

"Huh?" I asked turning to face her

She smiled. "Talk to her." She said.

"Fine." I gave in.

She gave me a peck on the lips as they all stormed out of the room, leaving me and Krishna alone.

"So uh.." She said, awkwardly

I stood up. "What do you wanna talk about?" I asked, rudely.

"I don't even wanna talk to you. They just told me to. Stop being so rude." She said, annoyed.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. I'm sorry for being so hard on you in the janitor's closet bla bla bla." I said. I was too tired to even apologize to her.

"Fine whatever. I don't think it will even make sense if I told you I was sorry for still having a crush on you, right?" She smirked

I smiled. "Yeah, It's alright." I said

"So can we just be friends?" She asked. "I mean, There's no reason why we should be acting like this, we're friends. Past is past. You know I won't ruin your relationship with Nica. She's my friend and I know how important you are to her life."

I nodded. "Friends." I hugged her, she hugged back.

Not for long, The door opened. They all gave a chorus of 'aww's the moment they saw us hugging. Krishna pulled away from the hug.


Nica walked towards Luke as he wrapped his arm around her waist while his other hand entwined together with Nica's fingers.

I gotta admit it, Seeing them like that hurt less than the usual after talking imto everything with Luke. "Hurts, does it?" Beau whispered.

"Nope, It doesn't hurt, Beau." I answered loud enough so that everyone could hear it. They all flashed a shocked expression but quite impressed too.

They shrugged. "So.. Guys, I wanna tell you something." Nica said biting her lip as she gt out of Luke's arms. She rubbed her hands and sighed. This must be something big. "I got to the cheerleading team!" She said, raising her tone. We were all shocked. We knew that the cheerleading coach hated her since fifth grade.

"But how?" Len asked

"Bitches please." She laughed. "There's another coach. She's the one with the boy cut y'know." She said. We all nodded.

"But how? I don't understand." James asked, confused.

"Well, Two coaches. One can only stay for the year. So the battle's gonna be held between the coaches in two weeks." She explained. "Then, guess what.." She smiled. "This is gonna be a tough battle since coach Lanie asked me to be the leading one in the cheer. She really loved my moves."

"That's great, baby. We'll be there to support you on practices." Luke said as he kissed Nica's forehead.

"Yeah, Maybe you can get me some girls from the team." Jai joked, we all laughed.

"Well, Jia's there." I slipped my words. SHIT.

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