Chapter 7

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Arthur's POV
This better be the most important thing I've ever heard in my life or else . I thought as I stomped over to the throne room. I entered and bowed ." You requested my presence?" I asked ." Yes , Arthur, Gauis has brought something to my attention. That same sexes should be aloud to be together in Camelot . I have pondered this but I could use some advice . What do you think of this matter?" Oh. My. God. It was happening me and Merlin can be seen together. I was so happy I thought I was going to faint infront of everyone. Not wanting to show my excitement, I nodded and said," I think it is a wise desicon , my lord, I think it will make our citizens able to be more free and might draw more people to our kingdom." My father nodded and said," Then it is final , Sir Leon bring word to the kingdom of this new decree ." Sir Leon bowed and exited. I must have skipped to my chambers to tell Merlin the most amazing news ever.
Melrin's POV
I could hear Arthur's footsteps all the way down the hall when he barged in he looked like he had ran a marathon . He started to catch his breath and walked over to me ." Merlin. We can be seen by other people now . We don't have to keep this a secret." Arthur explained the new decree and I smiled as Arthur hugged me and we just stayed there like that for a while." Does your father know about us yet?" I asked as I pulled away." No, but we are talking him tonight I arranged a dinner with him which you will be attending ." He explained excitedly." Make sure you look nice ." Arthur added brushing my hair down ." Don't I always." I smirked .Arthur ruffled my hair and kissed my forehead . What if Uther forbids me to date his son? What if he doesn't like me? Thoughts like these started racing through my mind apparently Arthur could tell I was worried so he rubbed my back." Merlin you'll be fine I promise . You saved my life ,after all, I'm sure my father will take that into consideration ." I nodded feeling tears rim my eyes . I wiped them with my sleeve ." I just don't want to lose you." I said burying my face in his shoulder. Arthur stroked my hair ."Shh, it will be fine . I'm here." He whispered these types of phrases over and over until I felt better." I'll see you tonight then ?" He nodded giving me one last reassuring hug and kissed my nose." See you later."

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