Chapter 16

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Merlin's POV
Uther's funeral was attended by all the towns folk. It was extremely depressing and Arthur was trying not to cry the whole time. I reassured him it was ok to cry by putting my arm around his shoulder which seemed to help him. As the funeral ended me and Arthur made our way back to his chambers to get ready for his crowning ceremony." Merlin what if I'm not ready to be king." Arthur asked me splashing cold water on his face." Arthur are you serious ! I've told you a million times you are going to be the best king Camelot has ever had." I protested while putting my arms around his waist from behind." Stop worrying okay? You'll be fine . Everyone loves you already and you already have their respect." I said now standing in front of him. Arthur grabbed my hands in his and raised them up to his neck and he put his on my waist . "You're right of course. I am pretty wonderful aren't I ?" Arthur said smirking." Mmmhmm..." was all I could say before he pulled me into his lips while grabbing my face. He started to kiss the scars Morgana left across my cheekbones and neck . "My god Arthur you're so unprofessional ." I said and he laughed and spun me around." You're right we better go the ceremony is about to start." He grabbed my hand and we walked to the throne room .
Arthur's POV
Merlin always knew how to cheer me up . He made me smile when I'm about to cry and he makes me laugh when I want to curl up into a ball and hide from the universe . As we entered the throne room hand and hand we got some strange looks from people along with smiles. I let go of Merlin's hand as I went on the platform ." I love you." He whispered and gave me a reassuring smile."love you too." I said until walking up. I swore under oath before the priest put the crown on my head .
"Wait ." I said and looked over at Merlin.God I love him so much. I thought to myself." I know for a fact I can't be king on my own. I will need guidance , wisdom, and kindness to help me rule this kingdom so it can prosper. And there is only one person to help me do that." I announced as I walked off stage and over to Merlin. I grabbed his hands and got down on one knee ." Merlin, my love , will you marry me?"
Merlin's POV
My smile widened as Arthur gave his little speech that was honestly the cheesiest thing I ever heard but it made my heart grow a million times bigger .When he came up to me and grabbed my hands my heart was pounding and my pupils dialated ." Melrin, my love , will you marry me?" Arthur asked . The very first time I met him I never thought in a billion years he would be asking me to marry him. I was over flowed with joy and tears of joy started to stream down my face.
"Of course , you prat." I said laughing and crying at the same time. Arthur came up and pulled me into a kiss but before doing so he said," You really were a terrible serveant." I laughed when i saw a tear run down his face ." I love you so much." He whispered before locking our lips.
Arthur's POV
"Hey give me that back you utter clotpole." I yelled at Merlin causing him down the throne room." That's my word . You're not allowed to use it!" He screamed back I laughed as Merlin ran around with my crown in his hand. When I finally caught up to him I pulled his waist in to mine and my crown slid from his hands. Merlin's arms instantly snaked around my neck . I smirked at how easy he was to control." How do you like being king?" I asked as I stroked my thumb down his cheek bone ." Eh, it's okay." Merlin shrugged his shoulders." You are really annoying. You know that right?" I asked bringing my face closer to his, our lips centimeters apart . Merlin looked at my lips and licked his." Yah but you'll never get rid of me." He whispered as he touched our lips together. When Merlin kissed me it was like everything else melted away . I felt Merlin's knees give away and I instantly caught him and smiled." You always were clumsy." I whispered in his ear. I pushed him up against a wall and he jumped up allowing me to wrap his thighs around my waist . He still had scars on his face form where Morgana had tortured him. My eyes started to fill with tears remembering that moment but were instantly washed away when Merlin started to kiss my neck.My fingers tugged at his hair which made him moan which made me turned on. Un fortunately I was the king and the king always gets interrupted .
Merlin's POV
I moaned when Arthur tugged at my hair which made me blush but hopefully he didn't notice I was having an amazing time but then some idiot knocked on the door." Yes, what the hell is it?!" Arthur shouted I couldn't help but laugh at how mad he sounded. A knight I had never seen before entered the room ." Sorry sire but Morgana is here to see you."

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