Chapter 15

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Arthur's POV
I woke up with a bright light in my eyes. All of a sudden I felt instantly better my legs no longer forbidding me to walk and the back of my head had healed. The next thing I awoke to was a loud crash! I jumped up and saw Merlin laying across the floor." Merlin!" I screamed . I ran over to him and checked for a pulse which was luckily there. "A-Arthur ." Merlin whimpered as I started to sit him up." What happened ? Did someone attack you? Did you slip?" I asked frantically looking around the room for evidence to what had happened ." No I was just really low on energy and I knew that but I had to save you, so I might have used more than I should have and I passed out I guess." Merlin whispered looking apologetic . I realized how sweet he was and how he honestly thought I could be mad at him for that. I laughed and kissed him.
Merlin's POV
I was soooo happy when Arthur woke up I really thought I had lost him. When I told him what had happened he just giggled and kissed me. He put his hands around my waist and I put mine around his neck feeling his soft , blonde hair In between my fingers. His lips were soft and fit perfectly with mine. It was a really nice kiss until Sir Leon walked in . " Crap!" Arthur shouted ." What is so important Sir Leon ?" He said obviously pissed at him. " Sorry, to interrupt Sire , but your father is dead."
Arthur's POV
He's dead? I thought to myself . No, it can't be true. "H-how ?" I asked and Merlin just looked like a deer in headlights." Morgana, Sire, she killed him. No one knows her motives yet ." Morgana. Me and her were like sisters when we were little. I honestly thought we were friends and always would be. All I felt like doing was crying but I couldn't do that infront of another knight , so I just let my eyes get misty which blurred my vision. " Sir Lancelot told me that you two were captured by Morgana ." Sir Leon said gesturing to Merlin and I ." Yes , and I have no idea why. She said she needed us for something ." Merlin spoke up seeing that if I opened my mouth I would start sobbing .With that sir Leon bowed and left us . Wait this means I'm king now. I realized . I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders as Merlin allowed me to rest my head on his shoulder. He rubbed my back and kissed my forehead . "It's going to be all right.I promise." He cooed . I just nodded as Gauis opened the door. "Sire your father's burial is being held tommorow . I am sorry for your loss he was a good friend to me." Gauis said sadly." Thank you Gauis ." I said. As he was walking out the door I thought to ask him," Do you know , by any chance , what would drive Morgana to do this or why she wanted me and Merlin?" I asked praying he had an awnser." Well sire," he began,"Morgana wanted power and the only way she knew how to do that was to kill the king but you were still in her way. Why she needed both you and Merlin I have no idea but I do know one thing. She is still out there celebrating her victory but planning how to get you and Merlin back ." Gauis said fear and something else in his eyes . Probally sorrow. He too had known Morgana sense she was little and watched her grow up to become evil and filled with hatred. Merlin , who hadn't said anything , spoke up," I know why she wanted us."
Merlin's POV
I had figured it out while Arthur was laying un-concious. I put the puzzle prices together in my head." While I was being tortured I saw a book across the table. It was written in an ancient language that luckily Gauis made me learn. Anyway , it was about rituals performed that if excecuted would give you stuff like eternal life. I happened to see Morgana reading it as her hench men strung me up. This particular sacrifice gave her an entire army of the dead at her command. Only two sacrifices had to be made , two people with undying love for eachother." I ended blushing slightly and then wincing at the memories of being tortured." How on earth could she be sure you and Arthur were that much In love?" Gauis pondered out loud ." When I told her you had magic she looked amazed and disgusted at me. I think it was because she relized my love for you was stronger than my hatred of magic which was strong considering my mother died form it and I was brought up that any one who even looks at magic should die." Arthur said as tears welled in his eyes ." Well I love you too." I said kissing his for head and smiling . "Also Arthur , after your father's burial you will be crowned king ." Arthur shivered and a wide smile came over his face .
Arthur's POV
Sense I will be king I can change the laws. That made a smile come to my face despite the circumstances ." What is it?" Merlin asked me." Well, my love, sense I will be king the laws are under my control so you can be pardoned form your execution ." I so as standing up pacing the room. That made Merlin smile.

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