Chapter 11: "Vanish"

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It had been a few days since Lincoln left, I was trying not to think about it too much so I spent a lot of my time making weapons and training some of the other younger ones in camp. We all knew that the grounders would come back, the bridge being gone wouldn't stop them. I had made a few bow and arrows, knives and even was training some some basic defense moves to a few people in camp.

I went to look for Bellamy but I ended up finding Raven first. "Hey" I greeted her but she looked a little down.

"Hey" She said back, trying to cover her feelings with a smile.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Uh, yeah.... fine. Jasper is trying to get me more gunpowder to make the bullets .. I can get a couple hundred more done by tomorrow" She said proudly.

"That's great ... for the people who use guns ... but I meant you, are you okay? You seem a little off.." I told her and her face fell.

"Finn and I ... broke up... Well, I ended it" She corrected.

"I'm sorry ... did he handle it alright?" I asked.

"Oh I'm sure he's handling it just fine, he's probably off with Clarke somewhere right now" She scoffed.

"Your sounding a little bitter ... but that's understandable.." I said when she looked at me.

"Don't tell me you don't see the way he looks at her ... it's the exact way Bellamy looks at you" She said and It made me freeze and look at her. "Don't act like you can't feel it ... It's amazing when someone looks at you that way ... the feeling is indescribable" She smiled to herself.

"I don't know what's happening with Bellamy ... I.." I lost my thought then and Raven nudged me in a teasing way. I laughed it off and told her I was going back to training.

"And Raven ... if you ever want to talk or blow off some steam... you can join us for training ... they are getting pretty good" I tell her.

"Thanks ... but I have my own way of blowing off steam" She said and smiled.

I was heading back to my training post when Bellamy came up to me.

"Hey, haven't seen you all morning" I tell him.

"I left early to do a patrol ... there still isn't any sign of grounders... what's taking them so long" He asked me.

"I don't know but we should be thankful ... gives us all more time to prepare" I say.

"Yeah, and hey, thanks for taking the time to teach some of the guys how to defend themselves. And I seen the bows you made ... those will come in handy" He said grinning at me.

"Yeah well I made a new one for myself and just thought we could use more" I said.

"Why the bow and arrow when we have guns?" Bellamy asked.

"Well ... I have never touched one before ... and I'm not sure I care to" I said honestly and laughed at myself.

"Everyone should experience it just once" He told me, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of camp.

"Where are we going" I asked him.

"Just out for a bit, I am going to teach you how to shoot. You never know if you'll get stuck and this ... could save you" he told me holding up a gun.

Bellamy took me about a 15 minute hike out of camp, We found a quiet space in the forest and he handed me one of the guns.

"Are you kidding me .... No, Bellamy" I said pulling away.

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