Prompt #12

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Prompt- Misha/Collie proposal


​"Misha," I said with a sigh. He was fast asleep on the couch, a book lying on his chest.

​He told me he was taking me out tonight, but I was wondering if I should wake him up. I knew he'd been busy with work lately.

​Still, he might be mad if I didn't wake him up, so I reached out and shook him after a mental debate with myself. He groaned, rolling over as I shook him harder.

​"Misha Nolan Redner! Wake up!" I said sternly.

​Misha sat up, rubbing his eyes. "I fell asleep?"

​"Reading always makes you tired," I said, kissing his cheek. "We can go out another night. You looked exhausted."

​"No!" he said, pushing himself off of the couch. "We have to go tonight!"

​"Why?" I asked in surprise.

​Misha blushed. "I...I said I was taking you out, so I'm taking you out. Come on; let's go."

​"Where are we even going?" I asked.

​"That's a surprise," Misha said, taking my hand in his.

​We left and got into the car. Misha began to drive, turning up the music. He looked incredibly nervous and I had no idea why.

​"Misha, are you okay?" I asked.

​"Hm? Yea, I'm fine." He offered me a smile.

​I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "You're stressed from work, huh?"

​"Yea. It's been busy," he said, eyes on the road.

​I mentally sighed. Trying to talk to Misha when he was like this was pointless. I just hoped that whatever was wrong would ease by the end of the night.

​"Why are we here?" I asked in confusion.

​It was our old apartment complex. I was 25 now, and Misha was 27. We'd moved to a bigger, nicer apartment last year. It was closer to Misha's work, located in a nicer neighborhood in general.

​"Because." Misha got out of the car and held my hand, leading me into the apartment complex and up the stairs.

​We walked down the hallway to our old apartment. I was surprised as Misha opened the door and pulled me in.

​"I think we're breaking and entering," I said.

​"I talked to the landlord. No one lives here right now. The people who did moved out two weeks ago, and no one new has moved in yet," he said.

​"But why are we here?" I asked.

​My eyes widened as Misha dug a small box out of his pocket and dropped to his knee. He took my hand in his.

​"Misha," I whispered. Was he about to do what I thought he was going to?

​"Collie, this apartment is where we really started our lives together. It's where we fell more in love every day. It's where I taught you how to cook...sort of...and you taught me how to dress less dorky. It's where we made love for the first time. It's where we woke up every morning together. It's where we constantly said we loved each other. And where's I found out that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I thought it would be a good place to ask you to really start a new life with me. Collier Memphis Archer, will you marry me?"

​I stared at Misha, lost for words. I looked at the box in his hand as he opened it, revealing an engagement ring. He was looking at me with a mixture of hope, love, and utter anxiety.

​"Oh shit," I choked out as my eyes watered. "Christ, look what you do to me, you sentimental dork." I pulled him to his feet and kissed him hard, my arms wrapping around him. "Yes, I'll marry you. I love you so much Misha."

​"I love you too," he said, sliding the ring onto my finger. He lifted my hand, kissing the ring. "I love you so much Collie. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

​I hugged him again, closing my eyes as he held me close. I loved this dork with everything I had. And now we were engaged. I was really lucky enough to spend the rest of my life with Misha Redner.

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