Prompt #3

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Prompt: Collie mentioned that he got to know Misha because he was sulking over Ant... If you haven't already done a scene like that yet... Could you show how it happened?


                “So what do you want to do?” Emma asked.

                We were sitting on her couch, and I couldn’t stop thinking about Ant Andrews. I glanced at Emma and shrugged.

                “I don’t care,” I said. My mood seemed to be sinking with each passing second.

                “Let’s go see a movie, okay?” Emma said, offering me a smile. “Maybe a comedy can get you to laugh and cheer you up.”

                “I doubt it,” I grumbled. But then I sighed and nodded. “Okay, okay. Movies it is.”

                “Great! I’m just going to shower and then we can go!” she said.

                “Okay. I’ll stay down here,” I said and she nodded and hurried out of the room.

                And so began the torturous process of reliving the kiss with Ant, and his telling me that he didn’t like me back. It was on a loop in my head as I stared miserably at the wall in the living room.

                I didn’t look up as I heard the sound of someone coming down the stairs and towards the living room. I had zoned out so it had probably been a while, and I was guessing that Emma was done with her shower.


                I looked up slowly at Emma’s older brother. Misha was looking at me with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

                “Are you okay? You were staring at my wall like it killed your puppy,” he said.

                “I don’t have a puppy,” I said.

                “Is it because my wall killed it? I’ll beat the wall up for you,” he offered.

                That nearly brought a smile, but then the memory of Ant knocked it away. “You’re such a dork,” I said.

                “Did you just call me a dork?” he asked with a frown. “I think I’m supposed to be offended.”

                “You probably are,” I said, returning my gaze to the wall.

                Misha walked over and sat down across from me. “Okay, look, I know we’re not best friends or anything. But you look really upset right now. What’s wrong?”

                I looked up, meeting his eyes. There was honest concern potent in his expression. Normally I would’ve just said “nothing” and carried on with my day and my self pity. But the look in his eyes had me spitting out my problems.

                “I had a huge freaking crush on Ant Andrews, and I told him that I did and I kissed him and then he told me that he was in love with my brother and he basically said there was no chance for us to ever happen and I still have a huge freaking crush on him and nothing in my life has ever sucked more,” I said, my voice getting more miserably with each word.

                Misha frowned. “I could tell you that he’s missing out on a great guy and you should just get over him. But I know that’s not easy. Yea, he did miss out on a great guy, but that’s not the point. The point is that it’s going to take a while to get over. But it’ll be easier if you talk to someone,” he said.

                “I can’t talk to Colin or Emma,” I said, dropping my gaze.

                “Then talk to me,” Misha said.

                I looked up at him in surprise. “What? Misha, no offense, but we just barely pass as friends. You’re Emma’s big brother who occasionally comes to our bonfires or plays games with us when we’re here. We’re not best friends who are going to spill our guts to each other at slumber parties while painting each other’s nails.”

                Misha laughed. “No, we may not be best friends. But I know what it’s like to have feelings for someone and be rejected. Do you want to come over tomorrow? I get out of work at 3,” he said.

                I hesitated before sighing. “Yea, sure, whatever. But I’m not really a ‘share your feelings’ kind of guy.”

                He shrugged. “That’s okay. We can just hang out and you can share whatever you want to. Getting your mind off it might make you feel better,” he said.

                “Thanks Misha,” I said.

                “No problem. Hey, you still have my number, right?” he said.

                I nodded. “Yea, why?”

                He grinned. “I’m going to text you puns tonight to make you laugh and cheer you up. I love puns.”

                The smile finally broke through to my face. “Oh my god. You really are a dork.”

                “I can be your dork,” he said, standing up. I could hear Emma coming down the stairs. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Collie!”

                “Bye Misha,” I said as Emma came into the room.

                Misha playfully tugged on a lock of her hair before leaving the room. She rolled her eyes and came over to me.

                “My brother,” she said, shaking her head.

                I smiled after him, almost excited for tomorrow. “I like him. Even if he is a total dork.” 

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