Prompt #13

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Prompt: Twitter inspired prompt where Misha's ex-boyfriend kisses him in front of Collie

I heard the apartment door open and was filled with relief. I was starving and Misha had forbidden me from using the kitchen after a little smoke the other day. How was I supposed to know not to microwave chocolate chips in a plastic bowl for a few minutes?!

"Misha, come make food," I called.

"Still haven't learned how to cook?"

I wanted to scream as Misha came into the room, followed by a smug bastard. I narrowed my eyes at him.

His name was Marc and he was Misha's ex-boyfriend. Misha constantly assured me that they had ended on good terms and were content to be just friends, but I didn't trust Marc. He looked at Misha like he was more than just a friend.

"I'll make us something! Marc and I were pretty hungry, too. I hope you don't mind that he's joining us for dinner. We have a test tomorrow that we need to study for," Misha said, kissing my cheek before moving into the kitchen.

Marc and I followed him, sitting at the counter together as Misha began to pull out food to cook. Marc seemed at ease despite the glares I was shooting him. I really couldn't stand the guy.

"So, Marc, what were you saying before we came inside?" Misha asked cheerfully.

"Oh, right, right, that whole thing with Amber. She just kept going on and on about how she was the best kisser and how she invented this new way of kissing," Marc said.

"A new way of kissing?" Misha asked in confusion. "I don't think that's possible."

"Yea, that's exactly what I said! And then she goes 'Well I'll prove it to you Marc!' and just up and kissed me. It was different than most kisses, but not new." Marc rolled his eyes.

Misha laughed. "So she just kissed you out of nowhere?"

"Yep. I mean, whatever. It was just a kiss. But still, buy a guy a drink first," Marc said, grinning a little.

"This is fascinating, really. But you know what's more fascinating? Dinner. What are you making, Misha?" I asked.

"I'll just make us some soup," Misha said. "Does that sound good?"

"If you're making it, it sounds fantastic," I said.

"Here, Marc and I picked up some chips to snack on while we study. You can have a few while I get dinner ready," Misha said, opening his backpack and pulling out a bag of chips. He handed it to me and I opened it, tossing a chip into my mouth.

Marc reached for one and I reluctantly let him. He watched me, looking more smug than usual. Oh, I hated the guy.

"So does Amber like you?" Misha asked Marc.

Marc shook his head. "Nah, she likes that guy from our morning class. She just wanted to show me her new kissing trick or whatever."

"I still don't understand that," Misha said in confusion.

Marc stood up, laughing. He moved around the counter to Misha and I narrowed my eyes even more. He wouldn't dare...

"It was like this," Marc said as Misha watched his curiously.

Marc tipped Misha's head and brought his lips down to a very surprised Misha's. I stared in shock, hardly able to believe that he had just done that right in fucking front of me.

Misha pushed Marc away, his face heating up to a bright red. "Marcus!"

"What? I was just showing you," Marc said with a shrug.

"Don't kiss my fucking boyfriend!" I snapped, my shock dissolving into anger.

Marc held his hands up innocently. "Whoa, chill out. I was just showing him this weird ass kissing thing. He and I broke up years ago. You really think I'd still be after the guy I dated when I was a teenager?"

"Collie, calm down," Misha said gently. "I'm sure Marc didn't mean anything by that."

"That's because you're oblivious!" I said, getting up and shoving Marc away from Misha. "Misha is MY boyfriend! Only I get to do this with him!" I grabbed Misha's shirt, yanking him down and kissing him hard.

Marc shrugged and sat back down, grinning. "Calm down, jealousy does not look good on anyone. I don't want to take Misha from you. It was a little kiss. It's not like I had sex with him."

Misha blushed again. "Marc! Stop it!" He groaned and buried his face in his hands. "Okay, let's stop talking about this. Marc, please don't do that again."

"Sorry," Marc said, but he was still grinning.

I grabbed Misha's hand, yanking him out of the kitchen and down to our bedroom. I kicked the door shut and pushed Misha against the wall, kissing him again.

"Collie," he mumbled against my lips, lightly pushing me away. "You're my boyfriend. I love you. Marc didn't think anything of that kiss and neither did I!"

I glared at the ground, remembering my kiss with Ant. Still, it pissed me off that Marc had the damn nerve to kiss my boyfriend right in front of me. Misha was mine and I wasn't going to lose him to that asshole.

Misha wrapped his arms around me, kissing me. "Hey, it doesn't matter who kisses me. I only love you."

"You're such a dork," I said with a sigh, hugging him back. "But don't let anyone else kiss you! Honestly, you're so oblivious sometimes."

I hugged Misha tighter, never wanting to lose him. I loved this oblivious idiot and I would be destroyed if I ever lost him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2016 ⏰

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