Chapter 4

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Lilly's POV

Niall finally walked back in with our drinks. I jumped up and ran to him. "Oh my Lord! I love you so much!"I grabbed my drink and sipped on it. He smirked and the rest of One Direction got their drinks.

I finished my drink and walked upstairs. I put on real socks and VANS. I slipped on a JACK WILLS hoodie and put my hood up. I grabbed my RAY BANS and my phone. I walked downstairs.

"I'm going to the park!"I yelled. "Kay! Do you have your phone?!"Dad yelled back. "Yup! See ya later!" I walked out the door and all the way to the park. There was a lot of things to do here like there's a basketball court, a field for football, benches, and stuff like that. I sat under a willow tree and watched the guys play football.

I got bored so I got on twitter. I took a picture of them playing and posted it. I felt someone slide down beside me. I jumped and looked at the person. It was a really cute guy. He had brown swoopy hair and crystal blue eyes with a hint of gray.

"Hi. I saw you sitting alone and thought you could use some company. Anyway, I'm Tyler."Tyler said. "Hi! I'm Lillian, but you can call me Lilly."I smiled warmly at him. "I like your name, it's cute."he smiled back. My phone beeped and I pulled it out of my pocket. It was dad.

'Hey baby girl! It's been an hour I'm getting worried please tell me you're okay!'

'I'm fine dad! I met this guys he's really sweet. I'll be home in an hour.'

"My dads getting worried about me."I rolled my eyes and helped him stand up. "Least you have a dad."he whispered. "Do you not have a dad?"I asked worry leaking from my words. "No. He died when I was 3. Right now my mom has a boyfriend."he said. We started walking to a bench. "Oh."was all I said.

His phone beeped this time. "It's mom. She needs me to be home soon."he frowned. "We should talk some more. Here's my number."I said and gave home my phone and he gave me his. I typed my number in and handed it back. "I'll text you later."I smiled. "Okay. Nice meeting you."he kissed my cheek and walked away.

I bit my lip the whole way home. I walked in and took my shoes off. I walked over to the couches and sat down. "Lilly has a boyfriend!"Louis yells. "No I don't! We're just friends."I explained. Dad smiled and ruffled my hair. "Well I'm gonna fix some supper! Wanna help?"he whispered the last part. I nodded and walked to the kitchen with him.

"What do you want?"he asked. "Mac 'n' cheese!"I squeal. "Okay get me a pan and some noodles." I nodded and did what her told me.

"Wow! This is amazing!"I said and shoved another spoonful in my mouth. "You made it."Louis said. "With help from dad."I smiled and shoveled more in. I finished my food and went upstairs. I had a text from Tyler! Why am I getting hyped up over a guy? I'm only 13!

'Hey! Wanna meet me at the park tomorrow?'

'Yeah sure! How about 1?'

I waited for the beep telling me he texted back but it never came. I shrugged and got in my pajamas. I brushed my teeth and got in bed. I was almost asleep when the gang came in. They kissed my head and told me 'goodnight' and 'sweet dreams'.

I fell asleep when they closed the door.


My phone beeped, waking me up. Yay! It was Tyler!

'That sounds great! See u then!'

I quickly took a hot shower and picked out some cute clothes. I grabbed my hoodie, sunglasses, and phone. I walked downstairs and set my stuff on the table. Since it was only 9:37 I made breakfast. I made waffles, eggs, and sausage.

They finally came down when I was finishing up. They ran to the table and grabbed what the could. I stared at them like the were crazy. Well they are crazy.

"You're a great cook."they all said. "Thanks. I gotta meet up with Tyler today."I said and ran upstairs to brush my teeth. I walked downstairs, grabbed my stuff and walked out the door.

Once again, I walked to the park. I am pretty early so he should be coming in an hour. I went to the play set and sat on the swing. I swung until he scared the crap out of me.

I jumped off the swing and ran up the slide. "It's just me."he said. "Good Lord Tyler, you scared the living daylights out of me!"I scolded. He smiled and I slid down the slide. He walked up to me and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and we sat at a picnic table.

"So tell me about yourself."he smiled. "Well my favorite color is green. I'm 13. I love food. Stuff like that. Tell me about yourself."I shrug. "Well my dad died when I was 3. I'm 14. My favorite color is blue. I love lacrosse."he said. I nodded.

"Wanna go to Starbucks?"he asked. "Sure!" He helped me up and we walked to Starbucks. He opened the door for me like a gentleman. We walked to the counter and he ordered first. "Can I have a mocha latte and a-"he looked at me. "Carmel expresso."I finished his sentence. We told the our names and sat down in a booth.

They called our names and Tyler got them. He sat down and chuckled. I looked at the way they spelled our names and laughed. "Mine is spelled T-I-L-E-R. What's yours?"he chuckled. "L-I-L-Y."I laughed out. We sipped our hot drinks and walked out the door.

He walked me home. We were standing outside my door. "Thanks for the drink. I'll have to pay you back."I thanked him. "Nah. That's fine. I gotta go. See you later."we hugged and he kissed my cheek. I walked in and ran upstairs.

I think I'm in love.


Hi!!!!! I have a basketball tournament Saturday!!!! I ❤ BASKETBALL!!!!!!!

I'm so stupid...........


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