Chapter 7

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Alrighty my peeps!! So I started I won't get to write as much..I don't know if anybody's reading this but I really hope there are some people. If there's not then i'll take it off wattpad and put it in documents. So yeah..... If you're actually reading..on with the story.


Lilly's POV

"Okay Lilly time for you to go to bed."dad said after we finished watching Toy Story 3. Liam's choice tonight. "Alrighty. Night guys love you!" I kissed their cheeks and went upstairs. I changed into my pajamas and crawled in bed. Dad came in and sat at the edge of the bed facing me. "Lilly."he whispered. "What dad?"I asked opening my eyes even though I can't see him. "So I met someone the other day. And her name is Maddie. Well, we went on a date and she's my girlfriend."he said. "I don't mind. Just as long as she's not dating you for your money. Oh and if she ever hurts you she will might just have to see my bad side."I said. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "Love you. Goodnight." "Goodnight."


"IT'S A GOOD MORNING!!"Louis came in and sang at the top of his lungs. "Oh my gosh! I love that song! Now shut up, Im trying to sleep." I rolled over and he jumped on my bed. "Wake up! Me and Eleanor are taking you somewhere." He walked out and I jumped out of my bed and sprinted into the bathroom to take a shower. Once I was done taking my shower I dried off and found my skinny jeans and a shirt with 1D on it. I straitened my hair and grabbed a neon green beanie. I pulled on my grey converse and grabbed my phone and RayBans. I walked downstairs and grabbed an apple. I ate half of it before we had to leave.

We got in the car and drove to the amusement park. Louis slipped on his beanie and Eleanor put on a superman SnapBack and sunglasses. I pointed to a big roller coaster and ran towards it. We got our tickets and got on. Eleanor screamed the whole way and clutched onto Louis' arm. I screamed and threw my hands in the air. It was over in a few seconds. We rode a few more rides and then ate lunch. We didn't ride any other rides because we didn't want to throw up. We went home so I could go on my date. I took a shower and put on my clothes. Eleanor helped me with my hair and I just wore some eyeliner and mascara. She blow dried my hair and curled it. I brushed my teeth and grabbed my phone. I thanked her for helping me with my hair.

"Bye daddy, love you." I said and kissed his cheek and left. Tyler told me to meet him at the cinema, so I went there. It honestly wasn't far from where I lived. He was standing against the wall looking for me. I ran up to him and have him a big bear hug. "Ready to watch the movie?" he asked intertwining my fingers with his. "Yeah!" We walked up to the ticket booth thingy and he payed for our tickets. We went into the theater and took our seats. We ate most our popcorn during the commercials but we didn't mind.

Once the movie was over we left the cinema and went to Milkshake City. I got a Oreo milkshake and he got a chocolate milkshake. He walked me home while drinking our milkshakes talking about the most random things. Once we got to my house he stopped by the door and told me bye. He kissed my forehead and left. I walked in to some girl with brown hair and Harry watching a movie on the couch. I slowly closed the door trying to be as quiet as I could. It squeaked and banged as it shut. There goes me trying to be quiet.

I waved awkwardly and walked into the kitchen. I put my milkshake in the fridge and went upstairs feeling their eyes on me. I changed into some basketball shorts and a cut off shirt. I took off my makeup and threw my hair in a messy bun. I jumped on my big bed and opened my laptop and got on twitter. I decided to scroll through my notifications and answer some of the fans. I put the laptop beside my bed and walked across the hall to Liam's room.

"Liaaaammmmmm!" I whined. "Whatttttt?!" he mocked me. "Who is that girl downstairs?" I asked hopping on the bed beside him. "Harry's girlfriend." he said. I nodded. I poked his cheek and left. I went downstairs and went into the kitchen. I got a glass of water and dad came in. "Hello."I said taking a gulp of water. "Lilly. Thats girlfriend." he said biting his lip. "I know. Liam told me." I shrugged. "Well, I want you to meet her." he said. I blinked and set my water down. I cleared my throat and we walked into the living room together. She stood up when she noticed us. Gosh, I'm not the queen of England. "Maddie, this is Lilly, my daughter. Lilly this is Maddie, my girlfriend." I nodded. I held out my hand but she pulled me into a hug. I tensed up and she must have noticed. She pulled back and smiled at me. "Sorry, I'm a hugging type of person. I've heard so much about you!"she squealed. "I hope good things...." I said eyeing my dad. She nodded, very enthusiastic. We all sat down. I sat on the single chair and they sat in the love seat. We finished the movie and was very tired at the end.

I stood up and stretched. I said goodnight to Maddie and went upstairs to go to bed. Dad came in a few minutes later and told me goodnight. He kissed my forehead and went out of my room. I fell asleep almost instantly.

In the morning I woke up to my phone beeping. It was a text from Tyler.

From: ~Tyler~ <3

Hey babe:) I just wanted to say good morning! also wanna me at the park today? I need to show you something.

To: ~Tyler~ <3

Awee, thanks babe:) sure ill meet you at the park! when?

From: ~Tyler~ <3

How about 2:00? :)

To: ~Tyler~ <3

Great see you then! :)

From: ~Tyler~ <3

You too! :)

I looked at the clock. It was only 9 o'clock. What was I gonna do for 6 hours. I shrugged to my self and went downstairs. None of the boys were awake so I made cereal and watched Glee to pass the time.

About 3 hours, 2 bowls of cereal, and 5 episode later I went ahead and room a shower and put on clothes that were presentable. I put on some capris and a cute flowy tank top and a golden necklace on. I put my hair in a side braid and put on black flip flops. That only passed an hour so I went back downstairs and watched more Glee. I looked and the time. It was finally 1:30 and 4/5 of One Direction were awake. I told the were I was going and what time I would be back. "Bye!" I yelled as I walked out the door. They yelled bye back. I walked the short distance to the park. I played on the swings until someone behind me poked my side making me jump. I turned around to see who I it was. It was Tyler but I could barely recognize him.

What did he do to his hair?



Okay.... now let me tell you my schedule.

Monday-Friday I have school.

Mostly Wednesday & Thursday I have Practice.

Plus I have a bunch of chores to do in between there.

Okay. Now this is gonna be harder. In January my schedule is worse.

Monday-Friday I have school.

Monday-Thursady I have practice, maybe Fridays. and I have some games too.

My brother had basketball games too on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Okay so MAYBE I can post something in the next week or 2.

Again so sorry for the wait....

Also shout out to holbs777

Thanks for commenting. I really appreciate your enthusiasm and your interest in the story :) :)

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