part two

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She was scared to the point she decided to investigate. She took her father's old gun as quietly as she could, paced into the cellar. She looked around for a few minutes until she found the source of the noise.
There was a young man chained to one of the shelfs on the ground. He looked up at her with a flicker of hope in his beautiful piercing blue eyes. It took all he could do to whisper "Water". She dropped her gun whenever she saw him and couldn't help but stare into those eyes, the eyes of many emotions trying to push through all at once. She heard his plea and ran up the stairs to fix a glass of water for him. She ran back down and offered the man her glass. He drank hastily and drained the glass in a matter of seconds. Then, he asked for a refill and possibly something to eat as he struggled to remember his manners.

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