part 6

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Jay, that is a good name for him, Lauren thought. Kind of like a bluejay bird. Finally she spoke,

"Why are you here, why not in the neighbor's basement or somewhere else?".

He looked at her for a moment before responding,

"You really think that I chose to be chained to a shelf in your cellar and not have any food or water until you showed up. At first I thought you would finally put me out of my misery with that gun of yours, but I was wrong. You brought me water whenever I asked and food when I was hungry, for that I am thankful. I still would like to escape though".
He added the last sentence almost too quick, like he had wanted to say it at the beginning of his lecture but didn't know how to say it. He started to laugh, "I guess I didn't find the smart girl I thought she was".
Lauren rolled her eyes, but kept her mouth shut. For the first time now Jay truely looked at Lauren's beauty. She had mouse-brown hair and the greenest of eyes. She kept her hair up in a bun that made her look probably 5 years older than he guessed she was. Finally he found his courage and asked her,

"So what is your story? I know that you said that your parents were dead, so what's the story behind that?".

He feared that he might have pushed too hard when she didn't answer.

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