part three

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Lauren ran back to her kitchen and fixed a plate of food and another glass of water for the man. She didn't know why she was doing this and why he had showed up on her property and not the neighbors 70 miles away. It had to be her, it always had to be her. She brought the food and drink down for the man and sat. Remembering her manners, she did not speak until he asked her a question.

"What is thy name of this beautiful young woman who has taken to help a man that could possibly be a murderer or try to kill her parents?", he asked the last part jokingly.

Reluctantly she answered, " My name is Lauren sir. I don't have to worry about you killing my family, because they are already dead" , she answered the last part trying to hide the emotion from her voice but knew that her face showed it.

He looked at her and decided that she could do it. She would be the one that could help her escape.

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