part 5

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She ran down the stairs and almost dropped the plate of food whenever she saw the mysterious man. He had gaping gashes all over his head like he had been beaten. At first she thought he was dead but then she saw the brief quick movements showing that he was breathing. Her heart skipped a beat as his piercing eyes opened to look at her. She looked away, remembering that it was rude to stare. Finally she found the courage to speak.

"You look like the debris from a tornado hit your face". Real smooth she thought to herself, real smooth. He grinned at her like she was the only thing existing and finally spoke.

"Well it wouldn't normally look like this, but I just was beaten to this point and probably mentally scarred for the rest of my miserable life. But then again, you are a beautiful sunflower that brightens my days".
She was awe struck, blushing she answered "Thank you, but can you at least tell me your name before anything else happens?".

"Jay, just call me Jay for now", he said quietly.

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