part 4

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That night Lauren couldn't stop thinking about him. She never caught this man's name though. He was actually quite dashing, even though he looked as if he was a skeleton with a thin layer of skin. She tried her hardest to sleep, but her thoughts kept returning to him. Finally exhaustion won out and she slept. She awoke early the next morning to fix a extraordinary breakfast. After she finished cooking, she started to walk towards the cellar to bring the man some breakfast. She heard something, it was a pop sound, like the one that happens whenever you burst a balloon. All of a sudden the man that she had been seeing around her property was there. She hid so he wouldn't see her and watched with dismay as he went down into the cellar. After about 10 minutes of watching for the man to return she left to go back to the kitchen. By then the food was cold so she decided to heat the food. She returned back outside just as the man was walking back up the stairs. Now that she'd finally had a good look at him, she decided that he wasn't all that young but probably in his early forties. She heard another pop, like the before and he was gone.

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