chapter five

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Don't struggle so much.

The best happens when not expected


Sweat lined his brow as his chest rose and fell in rhythm with his uneven breathing. His back pressed against the cold wall, his senses on high alert. He craned his head to the left and made eye contact with Cassandra across the room who hid beside the book shelf. He pressed his finger to his lips, signaling to not break the silence nor make movement. She slowly nodded and strained her hearing, as far as they knew, the Kylrin be anywhere.

The rooms upstairs had been smashed into pieces after their previous encounter with it, it took number to take down even one Kylrin. Having had their fair share of pain, the three beings were carefully hiding from each other. Silently daring the other to take the first move.

Edmund's eyes flitted across the room, to a painting on the wall. He wasn't admiring its artistic display, he needed what was behind it. Squeezing his eyes shut, Edmund strained his hearing trying to detect the unholy creature. The Kylrin always had the ability of silence, the size of a bear but quieter than a cat.

When he sensed nothing he made a move, he sprinted to the right where the painting was hanging, his steps were light and swift, he chose his steps with fastidious care. Just a few feet away, he felt two burly hands wrap around his torso while claws scraped his skin.

The Kylrin, had appeared out of thin air and tackled Edmund into the wall. The concrete split and cracked forming a large hole as they collided into the cement. Blood oozed out of his mouth, and the impact of the hit had broken a few ribs. Nothing he can't heal.

The split skin on his lips began to seal itself and he felt the fractured bones repositioning themselves. Raising both of his hands, he brought them down and began to pound on the monster's back. Blow after blow, he felt its grip weaken.

When the timing was perfect, Edmund set his hands ablaze, the fire crackled in his hands as he dug them into the Kylrin's skin. The flame hissed as it burnt into its slimy skin, the monster groaned beneath him.

It's rocky skin would be enough to send a mortal to its grave if he were to so much as hit it. With gritted teeth, he tried to squirm out of its steel grasp but to no avail.

"You leave me no choice demon," Edmund grumbled while setting his whole body on fire. The beast recoiled in agony but only to attack again.

With an undeniably pissed war cry, it took hold of his left foot and threw him across the room.

He made hard contact with another wall, his body jolted at the sudden impact, his element sputtered out. Edmund heaved himself to his feet, and turned to face the Kylrin, Cassandra was already advancing towards it. She was using her force field ability, blocking the beast's bone crushing hits.

Her hands were outstretched creating a blue globe, used as a shield. Edmund knew that she wouldn't hold up for long, she had already drained more than enough of her energy, he had to be quick or she would break.

It was distracted and that was just what Edmund needed, he summoned his wings. The paired appendages tore out of his skin and protruded out of his back, Edmund had grown used to the searing pain and gave little thought to the temporary throb in his back.

He flew to the painting and ripped it off the wall, flinging it aside his eyes sparkled at the sight of the glass case on the wall. The brilliantly crafted sword that lay within it called out to him, Edmund sent his fist into the glass.

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