chapter ten

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The pestle drummed heavily into the mortar as Phoenix crushed the herbs.
His eyes glued to the task at hand as he pounded away, Raven watched with sheer curiosity. Her eyes traveling between the grinding of medicine and her high school crush.

She pursed her lips and tilted her head sideways, observing him closely and taking in every little detail. His platinum locks were so blonde that his hair could possibly be regarded as white. His crystal blue eyes sparkled with focus and adamancy, his features were well contoured including full tender looking lips.

He must have felt her ambiguous gaze because he briefly paused and looked up at her. Their gazes locked and Raven was the first to break away, her eyes flitting to the transparent wall while pink colored her cheeks.

Phoenix smirked as he returned to his adept mixing, Raven however was not as amused. Her eyes scoured the beauty that the forest articulated, the trees assembled closely.

The assuaging landscape washed away her abashed emotion as she began to indulge on the cluster of green before her. The sun kissed view was what tipped courage into her as she broke the chary silence.

"Phoenix?" She spoke in what she hoped was a benevolent tone.

"Hmm?" A pair of alluring eyes met hers, Raven smiled timidly. She had planned on a contrition later in the day but seeing that they were alone, Raven decided that it was her auspicious chance to apologize.

"I'm sorry for what happened back there, something came over me and I thought you were . . .," Her voice trailed off as a compulsion to disappear into thin air sank into her stomach.

"It's fine," he assured her with sudden alacrity as his attention lowered to the working equipment. "Anyone in your situation would have done the same." Raven, actuated by speechlessness, remained quiet as she watched him ultimately mix a drop of brown liquid into the mortar.

Phoenix scooped a handful of the oily substance in his palm and gently applied it to her contused calves, rubbing them tenderly and slowly. Raven watched with wonder as the throbbing pain in her legs disappeared.

"There you go," Phoenix grinned boyishly, undoubtedly proud of the accomplishment. "It'll just take an hour or two for the wounds to seal and the scars will fade."

"Thank you," Raven said in appreciation as she stood up as if to test her legs. Raising and lowering her limbs, Raven deemed satisfied when the regular shots of pain didn't emerge.

"It's a good thing they have these healing herbs from Torra," Phoenix apprised with a deep chuckle.

"Where's Torra?" Raven immediately asked, Phoenix's face turned ashen with guilt and anxiety as he seemed to realize his slip-up.  

"Mr Layard," Cyrus called from the doorway of the room, he stood with his usual doyen posture. His eyes solely fixed on the younger boy and his hands linked firmly behind his back as he beckoned to Phoenix. "Come."

"I have to go," Phoenix cleared his throat, his lips contorted into an apologetic smile but Raven could discern the relief in his voice. She offered a small demure grin as he arose and exited the room.

When Phoenix was well out of vision, Cyrus turned to follow suit but abruptly paused as a thought occurred to him. Raven noticed his shoulders slump as he clenched his teeth and turned to face her.

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