chapter thirteen

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Own your mistakes.
But don't let them define you.

-Dr Nandi-

"Don't move a muscle," Cyrus enunciated every word with precise warning. The corners of the eye were crinkled and etched with grime, a callous scheme seemed to flicker through the inky pupil that stared at Raven, famished.

Her heart lurched with fright under its ravished gaze while her fingers had begun to tingle with fear. The belligerent eye dilated as it moved closer, revealing the rest of its cruddy features.

Its blowzy skin hung over its wrinkled body like a blanket, while its colossal frame towered over them. It was almost the size of the trees that swarmed the forest, its pale green form looked like it had never touched any sort of washing.

A piece of ragged cloth hung loosely around its waist, saving it the little dignity it had left. Gobs of icky saliva trailed down its crooked mouth and its oversized belly stuck out like a sore thumb. The fetid aroma that arose affirmed Raven's hypothesis about the beast's hygiene.

A peculiar amalgam of reverential wonder and fear clasped Raven's mind, leading her to take a foolish step forward. The monster ensued a blood curling roar at the move, a burly hand struck Raven's side.

The mere swipe sent her hurtling through the air, her torso greeted a thick tree stem with heavy impact. A bona fide rush of pain blasted her system as her body landed on the ground.

Raven curled into a frail ball, clutching her stomach helplessly. The ground shook slightly and she knew all too well that she was monster chow. Her vision cleared a bit to the sight of a saber tooth darting a swing from the cyclops. It maneuvered its buff body accurately before planting its claws on the beast and dragging it down.

His luscious bright fur covered every inch of skin including the legs that rippled with hardcore muscles. His ears pinned back as he hissed at the retreating cyclops, strapping tail swooshed from side to side. He crouched ready to take on the larger being as his razor sharp claws crawled out of hi paws.

"Cyrus, no," the cadence of her plea was barely heard. While the Cyclops howled in pain, Cyrus turned to her. His fangs shone elegantly in the moonlight, his brave grey eyes depicted only one word.  


By now Raven knew better than to rebel against his order, her flouting was surely the last thing needed at the moment. She shook off the deplorable feeling that cramped her insides, heaved herself up and took off.

She winced at the stabbing feeling in her gut, her nostrils flared with a sharp exhale. Her feet were now accustomed to running, her deft speed was that out of pure fear.

Fear of the monster.

Fear of death.

Fear for Cyrus.

She wove through the forest, the lateral maze was a blur that her eyes could not grasp because of her panicked state.

At the moment, the crunching of twigs under her worn out sneakers morphed into a siren for Raven. Hollow sirens of the killer scent that stalked her mind, uneven panting rang in her eyes as another roar broke out into the discreet atmosphere. Raven's feet slapped against the amassed fungi that accumulated the forest floor as she sprinted to her unknown destination.

Something hooked her right foot and jerked her back and before Raven could even process what was happening her body slammed against the ground while she was being dragged away.

Whatever was holding her foot tightened its grip and Raven felt herself being detached from the ground. She gulped down the despair that clogged her throat and suddenly decided that if this was to be her demise, her fate, her destiny then so be it.

She mustered a straight face and looked up to her kidnapper, her eyes widened at the sight of a enormous plant with more tentacles than she could count. Three slender limbs wrapped her body, slowly latching onto her being as they started to smother her.

Raven squirmed as the vines dawdled around her, slithering over her skin slyly. 
She gasped for air but was spared none, the vines squeezed her harder. Raven was unaware of the frantic tears that trailed down her cheeks, her bleary eyes were fixed on the canopy that loomed above her.

She was suffocating and running out of time, her lungs were ready to give up as the vines concealed her body. Her dire struggle for breath was long gone, her legs and arms turned limp.

This was it.

In what she had considered her last moments of life, her despondent eyes drooped. Before her eyelids could confirm the end, an inhumane shriek emanated from the vile plant and its hold loosened.

Raven's body tumbled out of the green tentacles and onto the ground, her mouth opened as she sucked in air. Her panting resumed as oxygen flowed into her, organs started up as the febrile gift of life flowed into her once more.

There was another shriek from the venomous plant before it exploded into pieces, a pang of relief settled into Raven. The oozy green slime of plant blood splattered onto her face and clothes, but Raven took no notice. It was the masculine figure which stood before her  that had stolen her attention.

She pushed her unkempt hair away as her eyes landed on his hand that reached out to her, Raven slapped it away and wobbled to her flaccid feet. She needed no clemency nor pity, she despised sympathy.

Her gaze flitted to the plant, which was all but dead now. Five arrows were embedded in stems of the forlorn creature. She looked back at her savior and squinted. His radiating face seemed so beautiful, so perfect, so unreal.

Albeit the glutinous slime surrounding the plant corpse, not a speck of dirt was seen on him. His defined features portrayed no emotion as he looked blankly at her, his angular jaw was set into what Raven supposed was a calm position.

With tense brown eyes and long flaxen blonde hair, the man deemed flawless. Even his cheekbones seemed naturally shaped, a mesmerizing glint of amusement flitted through his eyes as he moved closer.

His furtive feet swept over to Raven as a glacial smile embraced his lips. "Merry meet, guardian scum. I am Gen, and you are trespassing," his churlish words were heavily freighted with distaste.

He reached for an arrow and stretched it on the silver quiver that he held in his hand, he held it up and leveled his aim at her. Raven froze. The man winked at her before he released the arrow.

And that's when an anomalous fireball formed in her hand.


A/N: Don't hate on me coz of the cliffhanger. Thanks. 💘

#Gen ✔️

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