chapter six

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Life is short, live it.
Love is rare, grab it.
Anger is bad, dump it.
Fear is awful, face it.
Memories are sweet, cherish them.


It was as if the devil himself had lugged in her past to serve her comeuppance, cackling with sheer amusement as he shoved her scathed events straight into her arms. Adeline, as far as names went, Raven knew only of one who possessed it.

Her mother.

It took an elusive effort to tear her straining stare from the book, by the looks of things all was but jovial. Her skin was pallid and her eyes turned gaunt, filled with fear. All the more reason for the three guardians to inch closer to her, providing security.

Cassandra cast a spiteful glance at her group of maligned nemesis, she knew that making the first move would serve as a prelude to blood spill. The impudent atmosphere amidst the rivals was beyond noticeable, surrender was not considered an option for both parties.

"What do you want, spawns of the devil?" Phoenix asked with apathy, well aware of the answer. Edmund summoned his element, tongues of flames began to flicker as they slithered along his fingers. This motion impinged the Kylrin as they began to growl restlessly.

"Hand over the girl and no one gets killed," one of them stepped up with a haughty expression. Its face marred with scars and the dark of its eyes made Raven shrink back.

"Over my dead body, worm," Cassandra's clenched fist was yearning to taste Kylrin blood.

"That can be arranged," it said with a malign smile.

Edmund initiated a fight by blasting the nearest monster with a wave of hissing flames. It howled in agony as it staggered backwards, the Kylrin advanced.

Mayhem struck.

Three of them lunged at Phoenix at once, the biggest of them took a hold of Edmund's right wing and tugged him to the ground.

Cassandra held up her shield and brought Raven to her side.

"Stay close, darling," Cassandra murmured to Raven as the force field covered them, the languor of her aunt's presence provided comfort. Fear overtook her conscience as she cowered behind her aunt's statuesque, this had to be a dream. In her mind the thought of this merging with reality was just plain bluff.

Phoenix held a sword in his hand, plunging the blade into three individual beasts at once. The attempts of blows they sent his way made no avail, he was swift in his movements and knew what was coming. His elegant skills were propitious, his predilection for kylrin blood was strong.

He shifted his position and gave a stabbing blow to a Kylrin's head, he beheaded it neatly. A smirk danced onto his lips as the others briefly paused to witness their fallen brother. The biggest of them wasted no time in seeking revenge, it flung itself towards Phoenix with clenched teeth. It's eyes burned with hatred, one that Phoenix hardly took sight of.

It's claws barely missed his shoulders as he maneuvered his body to the side, easily side stepping it. He lurched upwards and landed neatly behind it, his hands were quick enough to take a hold of his neck and give it a thorough twist.


The body fell, its limp form unmoving. Another took a crouched position, Phoenix knew it would spring at him. He underwent the pretense of not noticing it, until it had lunged at him. Turning almost immediately he pierced the stinging blade into its chest.

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